

❀ j. daehyun6:19:39 AMReply

he raced around the city, heart thundering in his chest, drumming loudly in his ears like an ominous warning. snow was falling all around him, burying everything in white crystals, indicating a new beginning. he should be savoring the moment, taking the icy beauty with a breathless wonder and awe, but he couldn’t. not until he found him. not until he found yongguk. 

it wasn’t a secret that his boyfriend was going through difficult times. the empty alcohol bottles that were scattered over their apartment floor was evidence enough. cigarette packages filled their trash bin and when daehyun came home to find the door wide open and the room empty, his heart almost stopped. his feet moved faster than he could think, instincts crashing in like his life was on the line. and perhaps it was. after all, yongguk was his entire world. his love. his life. 

as he raced down the busy streets of seoul, each footprint was easily covered with a fresh layer of snow. it was like he had never been there, like he was ceasing to exist. the thought terrified him. what if yongguk was out there, what if he was like the footprints, being buried, fading away, soon to disappear. 


he forced the thoughts out of his mind. he would find him. he wouldn’t stop until he did. there was no way he would lose the love of his life to some lies that seduced him like siren at sea. he’d find him and he’d fight off each craftily woven pieces of deception and he’d do it every day if he had to.


there he was. crouched on the floor, resting against a flickering street lamp with his head buried into his knees and arms hugging them to his chest. it was as if he was trying his best to hold on, to keep himself from falling apart. daehyun knew. he knew his hyung was falling prey to the deceitful whispers that he was nothing more than a shattered and broken human, cutting everyone with it’s broken edges and too ruined to ever be put back together. 

“you’re not,” daehyun whispered, rushing over to embrace the trembling male into his arms. “you’re not broken. you may be made up of broken pieces but you’re a beautifully put together work of art, hyung. and that voice? the one that keeps feeding you lies and hurting you? it may be loud but trust me. i can be louder.”

his grip tightened around yongguk. he could feel his body shake as he heaved with sobs, releasing the hurt and sorrow like they were coming in overwhelming waves. 

“i love you. even if you tell me you don’t need me and no matter how many times you push me away ,, i’ll always be right here. you can stumble as much as you want. i’m gonna be there to catch you every time.”

he didn’t stop. half an hour passed and the elder kept crying and the younger continued to murmur his affections and adoration. and slowly but surely, the demon of lies began to dissipate into nothing and made room for the love that would take root and blossom into an even stronger and bolder work of art than before.