






Being too stupid to notice something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take my spit in your coffee, for example.




Beautiful landscape of water fountain surrounded by pink cherry blossoms drew smiles on the faces of the people in the park. Kim Jiwon couldn't stop himself, but follow in their footsteps when he looked at the screen of his new camera. I suppose you could call him a hipster, as for his birthday, he chose to get a vintage restyled Olympus - he really gained a couple of extra points with his tutor for that one. Too bad he doesn't have the time to pursue this guilty pleasure of his too often. Maybe once he passes his finals he could pick up on the old habit. For now, he'll have to enjoy this - the warm breeze of spring morning on his face. 

Wondering around the different paths, Jiwon could recognise some people from his campus. Some of them he acknowledged, politely nodding his head and flashing his pearls of teeth at them; some of them pretended they knew nothing of anything involved regarding Jiwon's being. From one hand, Jiwon could understand where those people were coming from. It can be awkward and uncomfortable to put on a facade of friendliness in a public place, especially when you don't know how to interact with a person. Lesser person would probably be offended, a wave of self-consciousness washing over them. Too bad Jiwon is different. He doesn't care nearly enough to worry about such silly gimmicks - he prefers to focus on those people who do say hi to him and those who do genuinely want to exchange pleasantries, even without Jiwon responding to them aloud.

Soon enough, minutes turn into hours and he realises he should head back into his dorm. On his way back home, it wouldn't hurt so badly to get a sweet beverage from a non brand coffee shop on the corner of the street. He always enjoyed causing a stir within the staff, playing with them, pretending to be offended whenever they asked him questions. Why focus on the discomfort, when you can smell the awkwardness other people are feeling for you? It's the best feeling ever - in a way, he feels superior to them, being used to his disability. Besides, being deaf isn't the end of the world, he concluded, as he tucked away his camera. It's just an excuse to get creative when communicating with others. Some people use sign language, some Braille's code, some even get too creative and start buying thousands of different flowers! It's romantic, in a sense, but Jiwon can't afford to fill out his tiny room with bushes and trees; he scoffed at his own thoughts, as he crossed the threshold of the shop. Quickly, he found himself in a line, waiting for his turn to order.



At the age of 10 Jiwon lost hearing his hearing - a car accident, where he sustained a head injury, a fracture of cochlea in inner ear. Unfortunately, both ears were affected. At age of 13 Jiwon had cochlear implementation surgery, however he never got used to wearing the earset. He has a tendency to leave the ugly thing at home whenever he can.

He's fluent in sign languaged, both BSL and ASL, and he forced himself to learn Braile - because why not? He can only fluently read and understand English, as he gave up on any other foreign languages, not seeing the point of it. 

He's father is deep in the stock market, assuring financial stability for the entire family. But if you ask Jiwon, the family hasn't been whole since his accident. He has a younger brother, Junhoe, but that a subject he never touches. 

Jiwon doesn't have a job per say - his parents send him money monthly, way too much in his opinion, but he'll never tell them that. He'll take what given. He does, however, pursue his studdies currently in order have a career as a PR person - he enjoys Public Relation studies, as marketing was one of his favourite modules. 

He works at an animal shelter - it's a non profit organisation, however his parents after finding out wthats where he works, made the shelter their annual charity of choice. This made Jiwon promoted to senority status and other volounteers seem to mistakenly believe he owns the place. He doen't bother correcting them, he likes a little power play. 

He's a wholesome gay. He had girlfriends when he was younger, but they didn't really count. He lost his ity in college, but he never had a boyfriend. He's quite lonely as a person, doesn't have any close friends. More like acquaintances that he's friendly with. As much as he pretends his disability doesn't bother him, it does keep his relationships quite shallow.

He loves pranking people. It gives him joy to take advantage of his disability.



3rd POV, not accepting one-liners, nor the /*does this*/ style of writing. Be prepared for honesty and me not answearing to your plot once I decide it's not worth my time. I take it quite seriously, which means every plot must be detailed, and talked about before hand. All of my plots will be somehow connected;

Be aware, that I'm not afraid to shout at you and put you through the guilt trip if I don't like you or what you did. I love controversy.

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