Personal Message

˃ atticus 41 minutes ago Reply

Same goes to you, Mingi. I like you and that clever brain of yours. What a fantastic duo we make.

˃ wong yukhei 42 minutes ago Reply

mingi and atti 
thing 1 and thing 2

˃ atticus2:38:31 AMReply

˃ song mingi 2 minutes ago Reply
but his presence makes life

Pssh. Says the one! Your presence is a blessing, my friend.

˃ atticus 1 minute ago Reply

Mingi, you're really out here marking my wall of frames with your heartwarming words. Hng. I will always accept you for who you are and that's whether or not you make sense a lot of times. So far you've been making a lot of sense, so don't you ever worry about that! However, if you do start to fumble a little I will just assume it's cause of mental exhaustion. Been there, done that, relatable. Now YOU ARE EXCELLENT BROFRIEND-- AND BETTER YET HUSBAND MATERIAL. It makes me happy to know we are possibly a couple of bros who were destined to be, well, bros in this lifetime and perhaps many more! All my friends are always worth my time, so don't forget it! Speaking of, thank you for being a friend, Mingi. I appreciate you with every fiber of my being

˃ atticus 1 minute ago Reply

Mingi out here asserting himself; he cooked something, he's got muscles, he's got a endearing heart AND he's got motivation. We stan
