Personal Message


2020 man of spice 1st

2021 hardest eggs 1st
2021 humping bunny: lee hoseok x CJAMM 1st
2021 CUTEST LATEST COUPLE: lee hoseok x CJAMM 1st
2022 chocolate abs body 1st
2022 valentine daddy 1st
2022 most romantic couple: lee hoseok x CJAMM 1st
2020 top peachy booty 3rd
2020 the chocolate abs 3rd

2022 best swimwear 3rd


2020 grumpy man
2020 the most noisy of all
2020 would smash hoseok with a chair
2020 most stalked duo: lee hoseok x taemin

2022 the one who isn't around
2022 Sweet on the streets, beast in the sheets!

hehe thank you for taking part of this even would nice to see you peeking in event rooms and enjoying it hope you like the gifts ♥ do use them e u e from cupid jamm

i noticed i sent you quite nice gifts during anniversary /cough/ hope we can use them someday so since you got small naughty gifts i thought i will approach you with something different this time. well edible body paint e u e for you know what purposes and glitter because it is hard to wash off so after we have glittery fun you will see it in work and remember me. also take this mug to work it is custom done and oh does this count as good breakfast? wanted to be romantic but healthy~ with love~ yours ryu 2021 valentine

2021 halloween trick or treat:

2022 Valentine:


who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i think i like you
