Personal Message
full name


Lalisa PrAnpriya manoban
date of birth


march 27 1997




Blogger & lIfe guard






played by daisukiyo-
siren's tale!
The Beginning of the little 'mermaid'


what was place in the deep pits if the waters? beneath the city, beneath land, there was oceanic life that evolved with time. there was life. there laid puerile children. a son and a daughter born to sirens. the son was more of a mature and responsible child while as the daughter, their youngest, full of energy, life and was always the curious one. their parents had always told them not to go above shore. for the world is hazardous, they were to live their lived in the deep ocean. but that didn't stop the daughter from ever peeking above waters. all their lives were dedicated to the oceanic macrocosm that it all became insipid to the daughter. somehow her heart had yearned to feel what the outside life was homogeneous to. why did people fear the above? what was so different? the raging desire to swim to the shore took the best of her and afore she could cerebrate if a felicitous plan, the daughter had swam. she swam and swam until she was now onto the warm sand. no one was there, it was just her. there was a firmament, there were birds, trees, all the things she had once aurally perceived of from grandparents and generations of generations that dared to peek above the dihydrogen monoxide. the perdurable ecstasy didnt stay for long as she auricularly discerned the melodic singing voice from her mother calling out for her. by the tone, she kenned she was in trouble. her brother had ratted her out. irate, the parents had ostracized her from ever leaving the cove and kept her obnubilated from ever departing. this broke her heart. for 3 more years, the now eighteen year old siren lived in solitary and dolefulness but she conclusively had enough. she had decided that today was going to be the day she would run off into the world. and so she did. she swam away in the middle of the night. the world was so much more pulchritudinous in the moonlight. with a racing heart and no chances of saying goodbye to her brother and friends, she left. her body had reached the surface and there she laid on the sand. tail exhausted, her chest heaving up and down; she was losing her mind. then came an elderly woman. she had no fin. she had.. two pairs of.. legs and what seems akin to seashells around her ankles. the elderly woman smiled, she felt so warm and kind. then proceeded to dry her up with a towel and asked a boy- who strived right abaft her to carry the siren home. "what's your name, darling?" asked the elderly woman. "l..lalisa.. manoban." the girl who was dizzy, muttered her name afore determinately drifting off.

where the land meeTs The Sea


since the day lalisa was found on shore, she was apprehended by the elder woman who went by the denomination mary and her grandson who she never got to optically discern him since that day. lisa was catered, sheltered and alimented by mary who so munificently edified her the world above the shore. turns out mary was a siren herself and made a living above the shore. she edified lisa about the ways of life, how to control herself from land and sea. Atlantis was pulchritudinous. lisa lived with Mary for 2 years and by the time she was 21, she was able to move out on her own and became a worker for the dihydrogen monoxide park. she was a life sentinel and a component-time blogger about her life while every night around 10pm, the sea is her own once again. albeit, she has no contact with her family anymore, lisa became one with the land and the sea. the world became a lot preponderant, a lot more adventurous and a lot more fascinating. the life of a siren and an ambulating human- life was definitely regaling.

out Of Character


one. wAnt to Roleplay? always pm me for plotting or tag me in the plot room for ideas. two. do not poke me for Replies. i got a life so be patient otherwise i Just Wont reply At All. i only come in when my muse is at best potential. three. my writing ranges from para, multi-para, novella. my preferred writing pov is third but i can first detailed. four. i Wanna make it clear no mixing of ic and ooc. major issue everywhere. if my character does not like You, it doesnt mean i Dont like you. five. gmt+8. six. call me lisa in ooc. I'm Nice, i Dont bite. seven. no GodModDing. i control my characteRs actions and SpEech. not yOu. eight. dont Feel pressured to mirror My Reply or Feel left out due to my vocabulary. go at your own pace aNd what makes You comfortable. nine. i do not plot romance. romance is better wHen its built. haVing a re-established is Fine. ten. lastly, dont be afraid to approach Me for aNything. i wIll do my best To Get To yOu.



WaSnt looking until now


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