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Basic Background: Choi Minki was born in Busan, South Korea but moved to Osaka, Japan when he was six months old then to Tokyo aux months later with his dad. Minki never knew his mom as she died during childbirth. His birth was unexpected as he wasn't scheduled for another twoish months. Due to his early birth, Minki is weaker than others his age and has a hole in his heart, in which he got surgery for when he was ten. For a while, it was just him and his dad. His dad worked as a producer for several different companies so the young boy rarely saw his father. They had no relationship with each other. When he was twelve, his dad got married to a wedding planner from Fukuoka and the next year, they had a daughter together. They named her Sakia. He helped take care of her when he wasn't studying or at dance practice. Minki dreamt of becoming an idol. His dad was very worried about his health as he couldn't breathe most days.