Personal Message
Love. Something that Xukun never received. Ever. Xukun's earliest memories were him being taken care of numerous nannies. His mother, a retired supermodel-turned-fashion icon could care less of the boy. Trips to different cities and countries were routine to her. It was such an ingrained routine that once xukun a year old, she went back to her old ways. His dad(who he likes to call donor) was never around. In fact, he doesn't even recall a child support check of any kind, perhaps his mother was so well off, it didn't matter. Just like to no one, Xukun mattered to no one.
School was difficult for the boy. He was plagued with Serve ADHD, leaving him to take many medications, that couldn't fix it. IN addition to his arrogance and self-pride, he didn't get along with the other snobbish kids. Fights happened outside of school, Xukun always the one prevailing. Beating people helped him to feel something, to feel noticed. For once he was noticed for something by anyone. So XUkun became the school bully. From middle school to high school, he fought, manipulated, and tarnished people's lives. And as he grew, he began to notice that he was different from others. To the normal person, XUkun just seemed like a gifted human specimen. The looks, build, brains, and brawn. TO Xukun however, it was more than that. Anything physical related was relatively easy. Even when he fought and got his kicked once, his wounds healed like magic. And at night, he felt as if the body had spidey-senses. He was more aware of his surroundings, able to see things at night from distance. And whenever he went, he always knew where to go. It was strange. But it wasn't until his first year of college when he began to realize that he was not normal.
One night after staying in a workshop, trying to finish his project for an engineering-related class, he went outside to take a breather. XUkun sat on a bench and took a long breath. And he felt at peace. It was one of those clichés moments when your body, soul, and mind were one. When he opened his eyes and looked at the stars, he noticed the stars just seemed to align for him. He reached out towards the stars with one hand and he saw small, glowing particles falling from the sky to his palm. As it would to anyone, it freaked him out. He panicked and thought he was hallucinating, but then when it wouldn't disappear, he came to believe that something was wrong. Thoughts rushed his head as he recollected how abnormal he was. But why? He looked back up to the stars and wondered if someone was watching him, and then the dust reformed into a ball of bright light, becoming the very thing he was looking at seconds ago. Again, freaked out by this, he got up and went back to the workshop to just pack up and go home. and immediately the star dissipated into thin whisps. He was puzzled and confused and didn't know what or how to think of what unfolded. But it would be his next encounter with this magic that would lead him to where he is today.
Just a week after that event, strange things continued to happen. And eventually, his mother, who he barely ever saw, gave him a letter. It would direct him to the place he found solace, Camp Half-Blood.
XUkun before arriving at CHB was the typical jerk. He fought and hurt people in ways that haunts him to this day. IN the present, he's only a part-time camper, but he's trying to do his best to become a better person. The camp in a sense made him realize there are many like him, and whether he refused to believe that or not, he had people to relate to. He didn't need to pent up his feelings or be bratty anymore, what would be the point? And so, now he's on the path of redemption(that's what he calls it).
Xukun, however, is a smart kid. He's a very diligent person, and likes to focus on learning about everything. He enjoys building because it allows him to create freely and if he uses his mind right, he can build anything he wants. This also dabbles into his eccentric side. But he's still trying to explore himself and trying to figure out who he really is. Even if it takes one small step.
Lorem Ipsum "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pulvinar vulputate lectus, a dictum dolor. Duis diam turpis, suscipit sit amet erat sit amet, sagittis gravida lacus. Vestibulum feugiat augue sapien, eget tempus diam accumsan mollis. Vestibulum nec erat id quam finibus iaculis at vel lorem. Nam quis magna tincidunt dui hendrerit pharetra ut id nibh. Pellentesque a sapien velit. Maecenas euismod mauris a condimentum vestibulum. Vestibulum lobortis nibh non elit malesuada, quis vehicula mi suscipit. Maecenas et sapien id nisl volutpat porta et vestibulum erat.
Lorem Ipsum "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pulvinar vulputate lectus, a dictum dolor. Duis diam turpis, suscipit sit amet erat sit amet, sagittis gravida lacus. Vestibulum feugiat augue sapien, eget tempus diam accumsan mollis. Vestibulum nec erat id quam finibus iaculis at vel lorem. Nam quis magna tincidunt dui hendrerit pharetra ut id nibh. Pellentesque a sapien velit. Maecenas euismod mauris a condimentum vestibulum. Vestibulum lobortis nibh non elit malesuada, quis vehicula mi suscipit. Maecenas et sapien id nisl volutpat porta et vestibulum erat.
Cai Xukun.
Part - time
College Student.