Personal Message
— HAIL TO The king
Born into the family of a made man, Akay was a shoe in to take over his father’s place in the mafia. Certain things came easy to him, such as keeping secrets and handling weapons, causing fights and learning how to avoid the blame. The humans were ruthless in their rule, dictatorial, and purists. Anybody who even had family that married into mixed blood were cut out with no remorse, no chance for redemption. That hatred of the supernatural creatures of the world only made the draw stronger, though, and soon enough, a teenaged Akay was leaving under the guise of ‘working’ to go out to the wastelands or forests, doing your typical stupid teenager thing but mixing in with the sort of creatures that could get him killed by the men his father trusted so blindly.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before things became deeper, so much deeper than Akay could have imagined. She was a vision, a pale, gaunt thing that looked perpetually malnourished, and was full of a wicked joie de vivre… For a dead girl. He had fallen in love with a ghoul, and nothing could dissuade him from that. He was young, hormonal, and far too passionate for his own good. They fought just as hard as they loved, and it was soon after he met her that he got his first tattoos buried into his skin. Tattoos that hid the wounds and scars she gave him. At first, he was a willing snack. A bite here, a bite there. Rough scratches during . Nothing big. Then her temper began to show when Akay refused her a meal. Things became increasingly violent, a spiral that nobody could have predicted. Despite his size and his training, he couldn’t bring himself to hurt the woman he loved so much… So he found a different solution. One that would benefit them both and would give him the chance to finally ask her for her hand in marriage, because, in spite of everything else, he truly did love her. He asked to be made into a ghoul, and gave her permission to kill him, laying everything on the line for her.

She laughed in his face.

That night was a breaking point. The relationship wavered, Akay became passionless and passive to her antics, which only made her attacks that much worse. Still, he did not falter. She had laughed in his face and told him she needed him to keep being a decent and nothing more. She was using him for all he was worth, and he didn’t know how to rationalize it.

Akay buried himself in work. Finally of age, he was allowed to start working towards his goal of becoming a made man for the Human Mafia. He took out contracts, did beatings, made threats, and finally worked his way up to murder. Tall but deathly silent, with a flat affect that disturbed those who did not know the joyful smile that could make his face seem warm and boyish, Akay became very good at what he did, and even more so, he liked it. He liked watching life drain from someone, knowing that now their body was as dead as his heart. It made him feel powerful again, finally in charge of his fate - Until that fateful night that would change everything for him.

His last contract under the mafia as a human was that of a ghoul who had been hunting their men. No other reasoning was needed, aside from the word of the Don, and Akay took it on with a silent nod. He was ready for this, but prepared for weeks to ensure everything went off as it needed to.

Tracking the ghoul had been easy enough, stalking him through the human lands that they protected and into little villages as he travelled, leaving a wake of bodies and missing in his path. Akay waited until the time was right before confronting him - but not to kill. To offer him a deal. He had never forgotten the woman that ripped out his heart, told him he would never be worthy of her, and how cool she had become when she found out her meal ticket was ready to punch out. He wanted to be changed, to show her what he could be and prove to himself that he was better than death. Oh, how sweet young arrogance is, because Akay took the word of a ghoul when he laid out the entire plan. He allowed the man to feed from him, and took in blood of the ghoul as well. Then he had to wait to die.

Death was cold and lonesome, Akay staying at the brink for what felt like years before his strong body finally succumbed… And once he had, how good it felt to come back. He was even stronger than he had been as a human, and had quite a few new tricks up his sleeve. He spent some time with this man as a mentor - death at the hands of one killer to another had formed a bond between them somehow - learning how to hone his hearing and sight with enhanced senses, how to keep himself from going insane with hunger, and best of all, how to utilize the way his body could change. All that was left was killing another ghoul to take the place of this one so Akay could present the teeth of the undead to his family and complete their pact.

It had been months, so long that he didn’t even bother counting the days, and yet, nobody looked. Nobody sent word of the missing man to neighboring villages, and when they made it back to his hometown, nobody seemed to question the grave that had his name. Going through the wastelands, he searched out the love of his life and found her having forgotten about him too. So much so that she was once again smitten with the now-ghoul, pretending not to know anything about Akay’s previous life until she saw the tattoo of the flower that bore the same name as her. Akay snapped. It was the last straw, her feigned innocence in all this, in his decisions, and he ripped her limb from limb, set her body ablaze, and pissed in the ashes. She was more than dead now, and Akay took the teeth he needed from her body to complete the promise he’d made to the ghoul that gave him his second chance, and the Don that he had idolized for so long.

When he arrived back at the doors of the Don, he could hear the disdain that dripped from the human’s voice at his new appearance, the ghoulish nature something that couldn’t be shaken. While he had completed his contract, he was cut out from the family regardless; given nothing in return for his troubles, and sent on his way. It wasn’t long, however, before they were calling upon him once more, in secret. The Don requested a meeting to arrange for a new contract, and Akay took it out of curiosity. He was offered a chance to remain a hired hit as long as nobody knew of the arrangements made. Contracts would be delivered in secret, as well as payment, and his name would be offered to any family with enough money to earn the Don’s favor. Having nothing in the world left to lose, Akay accepted the contract, became a shadow over the human mafia family for some time.

Working as a killer for hire offered him great opportunity to travel, and while in other sections of the world, he made his own connections, and soon learned his true value as an assassin, and local bounty hunter when bored. His methods are cruel and calculated, clean kills with bones or teeth offered as proof, the flesh disposed of as meals to keep him from going hungry and having to kill more than necessary. Once he had this figured out and his kills down to a science, he ended his contract with the Human Mafia by killing the Don, his father, and anybody else that knew of him still being alive.

The killer has made a name for himself amongst his own people - the ghouls - for renouncing his human background and murdering his father, showing himself as a ghoul of the kind so rarely offered: Powerful, cunning, cutthroat, and ready to do what it takes to keep his new life simple.

Finding his Undead ‘family’ to be quite the interesting, if not underappreciated and looked down upon lot, he refuses to kill them for any amount of money, preferring to handle things internally. Vengeance upon those that dare hurt ghouls is swift and managed much the same as his contracts. He’s killed his own once, and doesn’t feel the need to justify that his people are flawed, but will not stand for their place given, as something sub-human, and even sub-supernatural, just because they feast on the flesh of the living. Instead, mere whispers of his name incite even the most misbehaving of ghouls to stand at attention, and listen to the man who tells them if they want to be seen as more, they need to act as more - using his legendary status and mafia training to do his best to keep everyone in line.
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Have you ever thought about giving up on everything in your life? Being so ing done with the world that you turned your back on it for all the times the world turned it's back on you? I don't think you have. It's impossible for you to have felt this, in fact. 
Donec eget risus et velit ultrices fringilla quis eget turpis. Sed gravida, lacus eget imperdiet suscipit, felis ante posuere neque, vitae tempor enim ipsum scelerisque magna. Etiam ornare lobortis imperdiet. Aenean posuere leo justo, id tincidunt dui lacinia vel. In eget lorem cursus, dapibus justo ac, mattis leo. Sed viverra augue quis erat accumsan molestie. Vivamus a venenatis nulla, at condimentum justo. Ut gravida ex ut eros tempus, tincidunt ullamcorper enim finibus. Donec eget lorem blandit, volutpat risus et, mollis dui. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Vestibulum aliquam dapibus nulla, vel rhoncus quam pellentesque quis. Vivamus id augue dui. Nam libero est, accumsan nec mauris et, rutrum placerat quam. Duis id est a ligula interdum pellentesque. Phasellus id ligula erat. Nunc a turpis laoreet, luctus leo vel, scelerisque dolor. Nam a aliquam diam. In mattis augue vel justo efficitur, id sagittis est luctus. Sed lobortis maximus lectus, quis suscipit nulla elementum a. Donec sed ornare purus, a auctor nisl.
Pellentesque eu fermentum mauris. Fusce sollicitudin augue ex, ut scelerisque arcu volutpat non. Nam luctus luctus tortor, ut consectetur eros. Nam quis tincidunt metus, id tempus mauris. Maecenas mi velit, semper at fringilla sed, elementum eu diam. Fusce venenatis maximus leo et condimentum. Etiam eu varius tortor, sit amet suscipit turpis. In et tempor tortor. Aenean vulputate consectetur commodo. Duis vitae commodo dolor.
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