Personal Message
olhos verdes
role :  mafia 
occupation : undercover cop

gang : olhos verdes
position : hacker
rank : beginner
basic information
full name : byun baekhyun
❛  age : 28
occupation : undercover cop
orientation : pan; switch
❛ timezone : gmt+3
❛ gang : olhos verdes; hacker
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personality; good&bad.

― intelligent, focused:  his line of work only accepted the best of the best and baekhyun's forte is certainly his brains, able to reach at the bottom of any problem and find its solution in record-time and under high pressure

― calm, collected :  he mastered the ability to numb and control his sensation of fear and panic which helped him deal with many nerve-wrecking situations; the type of man that wouldn't blink when having a gun at his temple

― humorous, easy-going :  has a switch which surprise people when they interact with him in a non-work context; when busy with a task, he would focus 100% on it, keeping his gaze glued to the computer screen and his hands only preoccupied with the keyboard but outside of his work bubble, he is a very funny guy, easy to talk to

compulsive behavior :   when it comes to resisting temptations, baekhyun fails terribly at it, given his history of addictions. he has his own ways of fighting the craving, as much as he can, by adopting different behaviors when triggered ( for example, biting his nails or scratching his wrists whenever he wants to drink)

prone to addiction :  since young he's been struggling with addiction, from substance abuse ( drugs and alcohol ) to behavior addictions (internet, , gambling, food); he's in a never ending circle of recovery and relapse.

dishonest he lies and he lies so good, his ability to easily control his emotion making him pass any polygraph test

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baekhyun came from a rich family which provided him with a good education and great resources (information and money); he studied abroad, getting a degree in info tech after skipping the last year of college due to his ackowledged talent
his parents died when he was 18 as collateral victims in a shoot-out between one of the gangs and the police; he couldn't even attent the funeral as he was out of the country and failed on booking a flight in time to return in korea; baekhyun holds a grudge and swore to avenge his parents
he joined the police force after returning in the country and he was immediately brought in a special, secret unit formed to train its members for one single important mission: infiltrating the mafia and destroying it from inside out
any data of baekhyun being part of the police was erased as he begun his training, physical and mental; he learned how to use guns and different weapons, he had a personal gym trainer to help him improve his physical condition and he was taught every detail of the mafia members, their relations and their businesses to make him highly useful to any gang leader, to turn him into the perfect candidate who would help any gang grow more influencial and powerful
after three years of training and waiting for the right opportunity, baekhyun was selected to infiltrate olhos verdes which specialized in cyber crimes
when it came to illegally accessing any system and steal information - baekhyun was a genius, fast and without leaving a trace; his past was rewritten, hiding anything that could give him out and he was introduced to the mafia through an undercover cop who had the job to bring in new candidates for the gangs to expand their numbers;
he succeed in infiltrating, passed the tests given to him to prove his worth; baekhyun was known as " the fox " in the police department because of his incredible ways of stealing any data from any system he was challenged to access; he even created a virus with the logo of a fox that no defense program could stand a chance; it was crucial to get him inside the mafia and have him climb the ranks so he could poison the gangs right from their core
he went through difficult situations days after he joined the gang which seemed to happen to most newbies, the higher-ups treating him like fresh meat as he had a cute face and a slender figure that attracted the interest of both genders; there were attempts of which left him with nightmares but he had to deal with, not able to afford letting it ruin his chances; baekhyun used it to his advantage as much as he could by making connections or hacking into the personal computers of those who took him to their beds
currently his goal is to get close to the boss of olhos verdes and send his team as much information as possible of his and the other gangs
his cover job as a mafia member is an owner of a small online business selling all sorts of services and products .

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addictions; preferences

in america where he spent many years of his life, he started drinking and taking drugs as a way to numb the pain after the news of his parents' death. he was on a never ending circle of recovery and relapse until he returned to korea and joined the police.

during the three years of training he mantained his system clean off any substances, determined to chase after his chance of avenging his parents.

he coped with the constant cravings for alcohol and drugs by giving in to new addictions such as and gambling which the rest of his team were not aware of, baekhyun hiding, not wanting to risk being pulled out of the team.

if anyone knew how prone to addictions he was, he would never be sent to infiltrate the mafia where he would be exposed to his guilty pleasures on a daily basis. but those were baekhyun's demons to fight and he was confident he could face them.

he was so wrong.


pov pref : detailed 1st & para - multipara third

genres pref : , action, angst, trigger warning plots, soft themes

pref : leans to males; no kink limits besides and anything that would end with him rushed to the hospital; versatile and switch - no pref over top/bot or dom/sub. very flexible.

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