— nana komatsu —

nana is born and raised as a valkyrie. ever since she was a little one, all she ever knew was training. but what she was training for was no ordinary valkyrie training; she is one of the few chosen ones who will be the knight of the triple goddess. it is her birthright, as the mark could be seen on her neck. the knights of the triple goddess serves diana, luna and hecate; where they are granted special powers by being their royal subjects. nana was one of a kind, the strongest out of her legions and rankings with her mother leading the knights. being a part of it was her pride. until the knights disappeared without a trace, leaving only nana to be the only knight. until now, she searches for her missing sisters as she is filled with sorrow and pain over their disappearance


Phasellus ac viverra mi. Pellentesque ac finibus enim. Suspendisse dapibus, nulla ac porttitor blandit, justo enim facilisis mi, ut viverra ligula ligula et felis. Etiam in lectus sit amet nunc pellentesque aliquam. Praesent vel aliquam ipsum. Praesent dictum odio a tempus bibendum. Ut at lobortis massa. Duis facilisis tincidunt urna, eu malesuada diam euismod in. Nam ac rutrum ante. Duis porttitor aliquet lacus ac ultricies. Integer nisl felis, feugiat eget justo id, convallis auctor sapien. Duis consectetur euismod lorem a elementum. Curabitur tincidunt suscipit urna sed euismod. Maecenas sit amet magna ante. Curabitur eget porttitor tellus, eu consectetur dui. Nulla pellentesque tempus odio, ac mattis augue interdum nec. Etiam et molestie mauris.

24 / panual
knight of the triple goddess
and so...she dies

writing style: semi-para 3rd and detailed first
timezone: GMT+7

- i have a sporadic schedule, please bear with me
- this is my first time coming back after 3 years of not being in rpr, so my muse is not so great but i'll try my best
- you can poke me after 5 days, chances are i'm dealing with something or i'm having an art block
- i don't mind wall posts but i prefer to be in rooms, plotting has to be done in pm
- if i pm you, i'll start and vice versa unless the plot says otherwise


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in diam quam. In semper, magna ut egestas euismod, sapien enim vestibulum est, ac blandit lacus justo id felis. Donec nisl elit, laoreet eu tincidunt eget, porttitor et eros. Maecenas consectetur ligula efficitur, sagittis metus eget, congue enim. Etiam rutrum, ex eu mollis euismod, odio erat tincidunt augue, id tincidunt turpis arcu eu arcu. Morbi gravida urna eu suscipit volutpat. Ut sodales, mauris vel ornare interdum, lectus nisi faucibus lorem, sed malesuada tellus ante lacinia justo. Nulla mattis, mi sed interdum scelerisque, neque erat pellentesque metus, quis fringilla enim dolor luctus odio. Vivamus sollicitudin mi tellus, cursus sollicitudin tortor aliquet eu.

sapphic central.