Personal Message
student id.
full name    Chou Tzuyu
species   Chipmunk
academic year   Year 1


  • Chou Tzuyu
  • Age 20
  • Nicknames: Chewy
  • Major: Culinary
  • Species: Chipmunk
  • Features: Chubby cheeks, Chipmunk ears, Chipmunk tail
  • Orientation: Straight
  • Status: Single
  • Personality: Sweet, shy, a bit out going at times, hard working, loyal


  • Food
  • Sweets
  • Books
  • The Woods


  • Rude People
  • Being Yelled At
  • Any Yelling Period
  • Gross Food
  • Failed Attempts

Tzuyu came to iHybrid University to several reasons. One being because she loves to cook/bake and wanted to learn more in Culinary. Two being to get away from her father... And all the things he's done to her... (which I have a plot for to tell someone and will put up in connections soon). And three being to make friends with people for once in her life. Since she'd never been allowed to have friends growing up (will also be mentioned in above mentioned plot).

Bucket List:

  1. Successfully go to a party and actually have fun/get at least tipsy
  2. Get a boyfriend and stay with him (hopefully he loves me as much as I will love him), and hopefully get a husband from all of this~
  3. Tell someone about what has happened to me
  4. Go camping and do fun things, like cliff diving or hiking
  5. Get married in the woods
  6. Have a child or two, or however many he wants, but at least one
  7. To make every recipe in my favorite cook book


  • Biggest Fear: Her father.
    • Why: After all the things he's done to her just the thought of him scares her. Or the thought of going home scares her even more.
      • How to Overcome It: She doesn't want to if that means seeing him again...
  • Second Fear: Failing
    • Why: If she fails... That proves everything her father ever said to be correct. And she doesn't want to prove him right.
      • How to Overcome It: By not failing... Or fail and work harder to succeed.
  • Third Fear: Heights/Falling
    • Why: When she was little she climbed a tree and couldn't get back down and was stuck up there for hours before her friend's father came to get her down when he heard her crying.
      • How to Overcome It: Do something that involves heights and falling. Such as Cliff Diving (stated in her bucket list)