






Being too stupid to notice something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take my spit in your coffee, for example.







Ever Anaesthesiologist from his title, radiologist professionally. June studied his of after his father disowned him (not oficially, of course. The grand father of art could never be seen as anythng other than a perfect father in the view of the public eye). After getting his PhD in anaesthesiology - partially for the sake of convinience in the sake of his extracurricular activities - Junhoe decided to step down from all he pressure of being a doctor and realised it would be much easier and less suspicious to become a simple radiologist. He prefers to work as an x-ray tech, but every now and again he gets called over to help out in the oncology ward. Some subconscious part of him acknowledges the irony of his position. His parents always wanted him to be some kind of big shot, so instead he willingly chooses to waste his own potential.


Since he was young, people realised he won't be the same as other children. Ugly, rich and talkative - those things never match up well, but his parents showered him with love, wanted to share him with the whole world. That means, they used his confidence in theatre and forced his ugliness to become world phenomenon of cuteness.. And of course, this lead to a moody and spoiled teenaged being born. As Junhoe's father owns the biggest Theatre in the capital of Seoul, many great and successful premieres take place there each and every week, as well as many critics and celebrities spend their time there, as it is the "cool" place to be at.

His parents kept the struggle of raising an eloquent and cultivated young man - and they have done quite good job, if they were to say so themselves. Boy doesn't talk back, charms people with his smiles and politely nods when spoken to (as you would expect from someone who's constantly underneath the spot light). You could even go as far, as to say he is the shining beak of perfection! Outstanding citizen of the universe, really. On his better days, you could see him helping out elderly women cross the streets (oddly enough, not a ual euphemism).

However, here I am going to finish the praises, considering he doesn't deserve more. All of that is in the past. Soon after he turned 14, everything changed.

If we were to talk about his behaviour towards his peers, all of the above magically disappears; supposedly nice and well behaved child, but wit and irony stick with him like glue. All the restraint he would keep before someone respectable fades away, while the transition between his mouth and brain happens to lose it's connection. The bigger nonsense that leaks through his lips, the more the sounds appear to offend other subjects of humanity, than bring some real content into the actual conversation.

June has a very specific sense of humour, that he simply doesn' want to change - this by itself eliminates people from the outside of his (already tiny) circle of friends and keeps them from befriending him. More often than not he is seen as a peasant and a boor in a first meeting, intimidation potential friends. But he himself doesn't mind - I'm honest, it ain't my loss. Besides, in a way, that keeps him from earning unwanted individuals who're fascinated by his past.

Brunet has no problem whatsoever making new friends, yet it doesn't mean he wouldn't rather spend his day in an empty room, laptop and a book by his hand reach, instead of going to the town or party with more people than he would be capable of stealing attention from (selfish attention , yes). He's not anti-social (lies), but the constant need to have attention on him puts him into this awkward position.

When he was younger, possessing exactly zero of muscles led to people affectionately calling him skin on bones. He isn't anorectic (let's be honest, he doesn't care nearly enough about the way he looks), but he may be anaemic - simply lack of appetite, mixed together with ridiculously tiny stomach. His fast metabolism is one of the only things he is actually grateful towards his parents - unlike the feminine body.



-> Not putting any norms of society onto himself (such a hipster), Hoe doesn't consider himself of any uality. He believes that everyone is capable of falling in love with anything (this, however, does not mean he is fully panual. He is capable of stating whether a woman (or a pan, at this rate) Is attractive to the extend of his personal taste, but such lady wouldn't have much chances of getting his heart to flutter in comparison to a tall, masculine man, with beautiful blue eyes and deep philosophical thoughts.

-> Last time he was on the stage, was when he was 14 years old. His father put an ultimatum towards his career - as Junhoe became rude and gained an attitude, he realised that he was spoiled. This meant that all pleasures should be cut and he should earn everything. He will return to the theatre once he finishes his highschool degree with at least a B-average. this forced him to lead a drama club - if he won't be allowed to work with his father, he'll find his own way.

-> Following last fact, he adores to take a part in the school plays and use drama club as an excuse to create more and more ed up characters, that he would eventually throw himself into - ironically, when it comes to lying or acting up, stuttering and blush almost immediately come out onto the very first visual. This might actually be a reason why he simply would rather be a churl and state matter-of-factly facts that bring nothing into the conversation.

-> Some time ago, Junhoe also thought of getting a tattoo, but then came to conclusion that it's not worth to pay for ruining his skin, when he'll get bored of it anyway in the future (guy knows himself way too well to let a whim take over control).

-> Always had a weak spot for felines - if it wasn't for the fact that he lives in a dormitory, he would already roofed for half of the neighbourhood's cats (literally; when he was little, his parent's adopted a two years old black male cat. Junhoe spent every bit of his pocket money on this poor creature). This doesn't mean that he isn't of any help. When he reached the age of 16, his father decided to open a non-profit rescue center for domestic animals in the area. Most of the people thought it was just a cheap trick to get attention towards the upcoming play, however, Junhoe was genuinely involved in the place. In his free time, which is anytime he's out of the lessons, Kim seats behind the CEO desk (there is no CEO in that place, he just enjoys the title - he's the only one calling himself that) and works out the paperwork. If not, you can find him around the facility, doing anything and everything. 

-> No drugs, no alcohol, prude to the extreme - of choice, contrary to his appearance. Doesn't matter how desperate he'd be, the household he grew up meant that he had to be cautious of his every move, as media might want to take advantage of using his low moments. Every single time he thinks of supposedly having fun, his subconsciousness stops him from overly going crazy.

-> Regardless of positive school achievements and good grades, Junhoe's is actually insecure about his intelligence. He'd like to be perceived as someone full of wisdom, but at the same time, he doesn't want to be met with the crushing reality that he isn't Einstain. He also knows that just because he may be book smart, that doesn't translate into his ability to judge and analyse a situation. He enjoys watching people and observing their habits, assuming their personality through such means, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's always right - and that hurts his pride.



3rd POV, not accepting one-liners, not the /*does this*/ style of writing. Be prepared for honesty and me not answearing to your plot once I decide it's not worth my time. I take it quite seriously, which means every plot must be detailed, and talk about before hand. All of mine plots will be somehow connected;

Be aware, that I'm not adraid to shout at you and put you through the guilt trip if I don't like you or what you did. I love controversy.

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