
Ryujin is the 19-year-old daughter of a wealthy man who keeps both himself, and Ryujin well hidden from society. He was a man blessed by luck, while Nemesis had a duty to make sure the luck in the world was balanced. However, upon the arrival of Nemesis before him, she coupd not find any injustice or greed in his actions, and found this unusual human so fascinating that she became quite enamored.


Ryujin has known who her mother was her entire life, as her father never elected to keep it from her. However, being blessed good fortune is a misfortune in itself. The universe has a way of getting even, and so their little family lived cautiously until his daughter became of age and her powers manifested. Thus, her childhood consisted of dutiful learning of maths, sciences, philosophies, sports, music, and foreign languages. The people closest to her were her father, and his best friends family. To Ryujin, their two families existed in their little private world for 17 years.


Growing up homeschooled by the best tutors, she has always existed in the realm of adults. She had a good time growing up, but never quite like others of her generation. Upon entering university, she adapted quickly to her surroundings, becoming quite popular with the students there. However, she unknowingly always felt a deep sense of separation from their world.


Perhaps in her first summer at Camp Halfblood, she may find herself truly opening up to the world around her for the first time.



Deity: Nemesis

Weapon: twin daggers

Instruments: piano, guitar, cello

languages: English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese

Sports: Tennis, ice hockey

Grades: Above average.

Jobs: None

Confidence: High