seungseok / 240220.
happy six months to the both of us! here's a small peek at the bullet journal i've made for you filled with our memories together.
beibwi and bewbie
from just our lonesome, we have grown into a quartet! and it doesn't just stop there. i can't wait to have many more furbabies with you!
dear younie,
it's been six months since we've been together. six whole months of happiness and your goofiness. while we may have plenty of ups, we do have our downs as well. but those downs only made me realise how much i cherish you as a partner and as a friend. i'd say it made us stronger, in a way? we both understand each other better. 

thank you for being the amazing person you are. i don't know how many times i've already thanked you, but i really have to. especially your mother and father-- they brought the love of my life into this world. the way our paths crossed is unchangeable, and i wouldn't change it for anything in the world. you're perfect in your own unique way, as is our relationship. happy six months, my love. here's to many many more.
things that remind me of you
i remember the first food you talked to me about. you're my roti, as i am your prata. i'm pretty sure this is chapati but let's ignore it because i need aesthetics. 
the late nights that we spend watching ghibli movies. we've watched quite a number of them and there's still more to strike from the list. we definitely should watch them all!
the clio photoset that we're both obsessed with. this was your favourite picture, right? i remember saying you'll never get over this, and i don't think i will either. 
rizzo the home wrecker. your first source of jealousy because of how much i talked about him before you got the game. and now? rizzo is the name of our baby #2. couldn't be any more perfect..
the doctor is in. the best mercy player i know, the reason why i can revive and fight them losers off. playing overwatch with you is one of the best ways to pass my time. 
remember when we didn't know ddadda's name and used to call him floof? we should have known. now he's the eldest son of our family, cho-kim maison ddadda, making people fall for him as his master scheme.