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k. junkyu 10 seconds ago Reply

m. jia5:18:28 PMReply
k. doyeon8:18:16 PMReply
sharon keeps making me soFf and i need to lie down bc im melting— ghorl who are ur parents lemme sue them for giving birth to such a sweet kid like you asjhdjb

s. dongwoon9:53:25 AMReply

Hey Sharon best girl local angel

sharon wang
culinary student
demirom ace
reliable. earnest. ever-caring.

since her birth on the 9th of november, 2000, sharon wang has been every bit dutiful as she was nurturing; many admired her for it, though she herself did not think it to be much. albeit quite struggling with expenses, the wang household was never one to run out of delicacies. the sweet, alluring aroma wafting within their four thin walls was almost as encompassing as the love the family shared for one another, from their withered artist of a father to the little astronaut-wannabe youngest son.

little sharon, just shy of eight years of age, had just received her first toy; it was a small plastic kitchen set, small enough to fit under the small nook in her shared bedroom. it was barely anything interesting to the passing eye, but to young sharon, it was everything she'd ever hoped to have and more.

day and night, she'd play and cook endlessly for her audience of paper dolls, replacing their silence with multi-voiced cheers of her own as she feeds them their preferred dishes one after the other. it was then that the first emergence of sharon wang, culinary artist was seen, and my, did the girl have such a future in store.

no further did her dreams reach than the little town in taiwan she grew up in; and frankly, it was because she did not know of a world beyond it. her universe simply revolved around the bustling, humid streets filled with vendors and tourists alike, as well as her parents just outside their house door with their bellowing voices attracting possible customers to buy their porcelains. but little did she know, she soon was going to realize a big, big dream -- a dream much larger than the miniscule world she knew, a dream much grander and higher than her little frail body could ever hold within.

one particularly misfortune-stricken day, young chef prodigy sharon comes running out of their little house, a doll with a missing hand dangling from one arm and the aforementioned hand clutched within the other. "mama, mama!" she shouts, a chirping little voice cutting through with might and horror as she held up the injured specimen to her mother.