Personal Message

Seonghwa is a very careful hybrid who really wants nothing more than to feel loved. he was raised by petty thieves who really wanted nothing more than to steal from the rich and help the poor, but living on the streets did a number on him as far as illness went. he lost his hearing at age 12 due to a nasty infection he couldn’t get help to treat until he was found passed out near some dumpsters by a kind passerby. the infection robbed him of his hearing, however he was released back to his parents after the first illness upon basis of staying a family despite being homeless. 


it wasn't until the winter of his 21st year that he undoubtedly ill. he wasn't able to talk at all, barely conscious throughout the bitter days and bone freezing nights. he coughed, sneezed, wheezed, and was unable to keep anything within his system- but unfortunately for him he was alone. his parents had passed away when he was 18, catching a disease from dumpster diving near a hospital. incredibly ill and unable to hear people approaching, seonghwa managed to crawl into a public shopping area where he hopelessly tried to get help. nobody stopped for him despite the many many people walking by, all assuming he was another lost cause druggie hybrid, overdosing on the street. it wasn't until a kind woman stopped, and actually looked at him that she called for help. she was a nurse specifically for hybrids, and she could tell he wasn't on a drug trip. he was rushed to a hospital specializing in hybrid care, rescued from the brink of death. 

he then was brought into custody of multiple different psychological centers and medical offices, being treated for his wounds and basically nursed back to life from skin and bones. after losing his hearing he developed a rather strong case of agoraphobia, something the doctors believe is due to his inability to hear danger coming his way. he is paranoid and panicky in places he’s never been to before and has little to no willingness to explore new things. he also is quite touchy and clingy to those he trusts. he is 100% completely deaf and while he can read lips and speak words himself— it’s always nice to meet another sign language user. 

he didn't come to the shop until he was 22, having a smaller flu when introduced to his new home- he felt overwhelmed by the amount of hybrids inside... but an excitement he had never felt before was bubbling inside of him. 

as for the shop itself.. well he has to admit to enjoying the idea of being pampered and taken care of for the first time in- well his life.