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Son Seungwan
about me
Name: Son Seungwan
Age: 25
Date of birth: February 21
Orientation: Heteroual and Demiromantic
Timezone: GMT+8
Seungwan clasped her book to a close before turning her head to eye the scenery that passed by; the train shooting through the landscapes of paddy fields and mountains. It was any minute now before she would board off the train, heading to the homestay that had been calling her name. Right after finishing her undergraduates, Seungwan decided to take a gap year before she started working. She had a plan on how to spend this one long and lonely year: Seungwan wanted to write a book. Growing up was a whole lot of figuring out on your own business for Seungwan. From cooking to cleaning to the turmoils of a broken heart after getting rejected by her first love. Let’s not forget the sleepless nights and stressful days in university. All of that, she powered through without a mother. Her father was busy working, and everything at home was left to her to manage. Questions arose: What would it feel like to be standing next to her mother at the kitchen sink, learning how to clean vegetables and cut meat for the first time? What would it feel like to go through a heartbreak? What would it feel like to see the backside of a mother, busy preparing the family’s meal? The homestay was her base of research, and she was adamant wanting to write a so-called guide in a fictional book. For children out there no matter the age; to pull them back to their childhood, to the early years of their lives with or without a woman they call mother. Add the numerous recipes she was planning to learn through Grandma and Grandpa of the homestay to that piece of writing and title it as Little Forest.
love life
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ooc ✕
First, I usually do RPing in 3rd POV and at least a paragraph. However, for a shorter thread, I am down for a 1st POV and shorter length. I am comfortable with a lot of genres, so, please do not hesitate to PM me if you have a plot in mind that you think would suit my muse and bring out a refreshing dynamic between two characters. In regards to lengthwise, it depends. Longer replies mean longer waiting time, except for when I am burning with creative thoughts. If I have done something that requires a beating in the , please PM me so we can sort it out. I am very uncultured, uneducated and unwoke, so I’ll need a lot of guidance. Don’t hesitate to PM me even just to talk.