Personal Message
✦ kim hanbin 。 1 day ago Reply

@✦ kim jiwon 。

hey, hyung, i know you’re probably busy but i just wanted to pop in and say happy one month!
this might sound a little silly, but this past month has been the happiest moment of my life. and i really mean that when i say it.
i still can’t believe that we’re together, you know? although it’s not in the way that we used to be before— we’ll probably never be together like that again. but i loved you then, and i love you still. always have, always will.
let’s do something special when there’s time, okay?
and in the meantime, i’m going to work hard in order to make you proud.

be safe! and i just want you to know that you’re the cutest ever and i love you lots! ♡

