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hypnos, the god of sleep
53 Points
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Donec vitae rhoncus ligula. Pellentesque massa leo, tempor at diam eget, egestas blandit purus. Fusce finibus fermentum arcu. Morbi lorem dolor, aliquet eget euismod in, malesuada nec ante. Aliquam faucibus nisl ac nulla placerat suscipit. Donec a consequat neque, vitae sagittis felis. Praesent dignissim rutrum facilisis. Nullam nec semper neque. Donec turpis mi, pulvinar ut arcu id, luctus dapibus magna. Proin laoreet iaculis tempus. Quisque tempor dui vitae lectus sagittis, nec dictum neque venenatis. Duis euismod nibh in nibh lacinia accumsan. Proin congue, mauris vitae dapibus venenatis, ex libero volutpat elit, quis mattis lorem lectus vel nisi.
  • Full Name: jung jinsol
  • Nickname/s: soul, jinny
  • Date of Birth: 061397
  • Current Residence: moirai
  • Occupation: radio dj
  • Orientation: grey-ace
  • Relationship Status: single
  • Deity: hypnos, god of sleep
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" Of our studies it is impossible to speak, since they held so slight a connexion with anything of the world as living men conceive it. They were of that vaster and more appalling universe of dim entity and consciousness which lies deeper than matter, time, and space, and whose existence we suspect only in certain forms of sleep—those rare dreams beyond dreams which come never to common men, and but once or twice in the lifetime of imaginative men. "

- hypnos (1922), h.p. lovecraft

act 1: stupor

one could not exactly account for the story of the gods, much less of those of the underworld, their stories are vague at best, hidden beneath a veil of lucency and mystery. it is their brand, perhaps, having been isolated in the depths of hades' realm, that the sun shines not upon their faces nor on the nature of their ways.

yet, hypnos was indeed the gentlest among the primordial gods, and the poems that paid him homage had been correct in this aspect. it is said that the deity bestowed peace to the minds of the weary as the land of dreams consumed them. sleep, he brought forth, unto the greying and the sick, before his twin -- thanatos -- laid them to eternal rest, before charon gently took their hands and led them to the kingdom below. hypnos is the god of slumber, the father of dreams -- and many seek his kindness to escape the pains of their waking hours.

that much was true. however, not many know hypnos for how he truly was:



a stranger to pain and anguish.

he was a friend to those who sought his companionship; a foe to those who are afraid of the power he held. more often than not, however, he cowered in fear of the olympian gods, the position they had instilling a sense of inferiority unto the god's spirit.

thankfully, hypnos was not one to dwell in such negativity; though not as optimistic as the others above land were, he was of child-like sentiments and simplicity. puzzling is his personality, for it is opposite of how mortals have perceived the chthonian gods  -- fearsome, the bringers of death and darkness. yet, here he was, the resplendent among the rigorous, the brilliant among the brooding, and though perpetually lethargic, his face remained merry, and his visage, then, resembled those who have been doused with ambrosia -- drunkenly blissful.

in his perpetual state of contented drowsiness, he made his rounds, bidding his believers a restful sleep as his children swallowed them in a galaxy of stars and dreams. oftentimes, however, he stayed behind, laying in dormancy amongst the sea of poppies that bloomed in the cave in which he resided, a smile on his face, laughter leaving his lips.

hence, did it matter if the mortals knew of how he truly was? no, not in the slightest.

act 2: somnolence

a smile breaks through the deep lines on his face. he was aging, albeit slowly,and it only meant that the memory of his will die so soon. still, a contented sigh leaves his cherry lips, his visage youthful despite his age. he can hear the bellowing of his brother in search for him, perhaps needing him to casually render one of his victims asleep before he takes their soul to appease the natural order of things -- the fates, if he had to place a name on them. however, he remains unmoving in his sea of poppies, his fingers curling around a single stalk -- and when his brother finally finds him, he laughs. "oh, thanatos -- why must you beckon from a distance yonder? such silly brother of mine, the creases between your brows only deepen as the depths of the underworld." a poppy is blown into the almost windless recesses of the cave. it pirouettes just beautifully. "why don't you smile for me, oh dear death? maybe then, the mortals who fall prey to your scythe might die in ecstasy."

it's that dream again, the same one she always had as a child. over and over again, the vividity of such happiness in it mocks her, baring its teeth and laughing in her face for being unable to attain such a thing. happiness, after all, is nothing but a word to her, its concept so hard to grasp because jinsoul had been deprived of all things that made her heart soar, her parents' aspirations weighing on her shoulders since the day she was born.

she was raised a single child by a highly functioning couple, both were successful in their careers but deemed their positions never enough to bring them a more prosperous life. it would have been simpler to let everything go, wouldn't it? to let their burning desires simmer down until they were nothing but mere wisps of the past? but jinsoul's mere existence, has done nothing but, their souls rekindled anew.

and from the moment she began to speak and count to ten, her life was never hers to live anymore.

her first memory about her parents was them telling her to be successful enough to own a luxurious car. she had no recollection of how she reacted back then, because the next few memories were a blur to her, as if her life was merely a montage of events -- as if she was merely in a dream so lucid, she doesn't know if she can wake up from it.

again, her life, after all, had not been hers to live. she had felt no sense of fulfillment from everything she did but, she did them nonetheless. otherwise, her parents would have yelled at her, and made her sleep on the couch for the rest of the week or until they were sure that she learned her lesson -- until they were sure that her achievements weren't hers but theirs. that, jinsoul understood at a very young age, going through life with a forced smile and the pains of not having to enjoy anything that her peers had -- the company of numerous friends, the elation of being in trend, and what-else.

thankfully, the books and the internet were not commodities that were deprived from her, and jinsoul took solace in words and the fictional world in which she can live in even for just a few hours of her day.

still, it did not mean that her life was made easier for her parents continued to hound on her even until she had gone to university. her major had not been her choice even as the campus was to her liking.

hence, what is happiness? she always meant to ask the fates. what is fulfillment? what is joy when all she had felt all through her life was nothingness, when all her emotions were faked to appease those who deemed themselves proper to steer her in a path they deemed right for her?

jinsoul wishes to this day that her dream was her reality, and that the man's happiness was her own -- but perhaps, that is already the case and all she needed now was to wake up, and finally feel once more.

act 3: somnambulism

finding moirai and leaving everyone behind was exhilrating.

she had only heard of the city in whispers, its name appearing occasionally on the internet, and as a fan of the occult, jinsoul decided she needed to go. however, just leaving wasn't an easy task; jinsoul had lied to everyone for the first time in a decade or so. surprisingly, in fact. it wasn't in her nature to do so, but there was something about this excursion that was making her do so, giving her newfound confidence and bravery -- things she's never felt from when her parents had "coaxed" her to do things back then. it is the same feeling that's made her pack up as if she was never coming back, that's made her gather all her keys and her money -- as if this was a trip of a lifetime.

in fact, it may just be the trip that would turn her life around.

she's found the city at the end of a tunnel, one that's deem haunted that it was closed off to the locals. but jinsoul wasn't afraid of the occult and the supernatural; she's more fascinated by them for some reason. however, stepping within the boundaries of the place had given her a sense of completion even if it wasn't wholly.

thus, jinsoul's era as herself began.
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subdued (adj.).
jinsoul has always been a quiet one, used to being an onlooker, the thinker rather than the doer. her parents' upbringing might have taken a part int shaping her into how she is in the present: aloof and reserved. such traits of hers echo in the way she speaks and carries herself. she's softspoken at best, and liked to stay in the sidelines. the limelight, hence, isn't something she seeks -- but she is contented with it.

groggy (adj.)
this has something to do with her work -- jinsoul is a fan of the occult and after she had left her town, she immediately jumped into the opportunity of doing something related to that. it so happened that a radio dj for the nightshift is one of the things she was oddly accepted in doing, the producers claiming that her voice would both soothe the readers and scare them into a coma. hence, it's the job she's had ever since, and her sleep-wake cycles have altered since then as well.

klutz (n.)
jinsoul was never athletic, always tripping over her own feet. it's even worse when she's half-asleep. note: never let her near kitchenware in such an instance.

altruistic (adj.)
if there's one characteristic that turned out positively for her despite her upbringing, it's to always think of other people before herself. being altruistic is a double-edged sword, however, and more often than not, jinsould has always received the more painful side of the bargain. however, there are many times wherein this has turned out for the better for at least, jinsoul can showcase how good of a friend she can be -- as long as she wouldn't be taken advantage of.

wistful (adj.)
her dreams have always allowed her to sit back and daydream of the what-ifs of her daily life. hence, she can also be deemed sentimental by people; thoughtful, as well. there's not a thing about you that jinsoul could not remember -- not unless she's lost in her own thoughts once more.

likes (n.)
rainy days - a good book - the occult and the supernatural - lofi music - coffee - ham & eggs - the quiet - deep talks - the moonlight - her bed - flowers and nature

dislikes (n.)
traffic - chaos - open spaces - a large crowd - waking up early - being late to work - herself

hobbies (n.)
reading - listening to podcasts - reading articles - chilling at the park
ongoing plots.
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【 ❝ 5 stages of sleep: drowsiness 。】↭ the love that is physical
• taken by jung eunbi
• 1/5 of the 5-stage character development scheme !
• love language: physical touch
• description:
    being gray-ace is not exactly easy; jinsoul has always been in a constant longing for a hand to hold, a kiss on the cheek, a body to feel pressed against hers beneath the covers under the pale moonlight. but, it's difficult, especially when she has an almost nil knowledge of how intimacy works. you came into her life like how the sun rises in the morning -- slow, yet vibrant as it goes. and in the bleakness that is her nature, she comes to cherish you, that immense liveliness you exude shining light to the life she's lead continuously in a cycle. thus, the depth of her feelings she felt is as deep as the hole she falls into when the light is gone -- but if there's anything that she's learned after you left, it's that the sweetness of things lingers even as the bitterness leaves.

【 ❝ 5 stages of sleep: moderate sleep 。】↭ the words you speak are nectar to my ears
• taken by wen junhui
• 2/5 of the 5-stage character development scheme !
• love language: receiving gifts
• description:
    jinsoul's not boring, neither is she one with the greatest of ideas to spice up your day. true, she may have a very interesting job, but that's just about it. she mostly is very contented within the confines of her room. in here, she feels safe; in here, no one will have to pressure her into doing things. which was why, meeting and becoming friends with you was something she never thought she'd ever do. you are, after all, someone who could not be part of her usual circle -- an outlier, so to speak. you loiter the streets when all she wants is to stay indoors. you had vices, when she has none. simply put, you are everything that she isn't -- but most importantly, you are everything that she was ever uncertain of. she does stay, however, like your polar opposite, like the other half of a magnet. being with you [as a friend] seems fitting, and she welcomes each new thing you bring her way.

【 ❝ 5 stages of sleep: deep sleep 。】↭ time is gold and every second with you, makes me a tad bit richer
• taken by lee taeyong
• 4/5 of the 5-stage character development scheme !
• love language: spending quality time
• description:
    time is a concept that jinsoul's unfamiliar with since she's taken night shifts at the local radio station. her nights became her days, everyone's waking hours becoming the time in which her body clocks out. sleep takes over at 4 in the morning, sometimes even later -- and, then, jinsoul is left groggy for when she finally awakens in the afternoon. her sleep-wake cycle, isn't really conducive to making relationships, and that has worried you quite a bit -- even if it shouldn't; you both are nothing to each other, after all. however, the constant worrying and her relentless rejection of such advances has allowed you to dance around each other. it doesn't take awhile until you both found yourselves embracing each other on the same bed, even if jinsoul creeps to your side at 3am. but even then, there are things that you both cherish in the meager hours you spend together awake in the cycle that jinsoul's life has. hence, when you leave, jinsoul looks back with such wistfulness, thanking you for the memos and reminders to feed herself even if it's quite late.

【 ❝ 5 stages of sleep: REM sleep 。】↭ the act of completion
• taken by xu minghao
• 5/5 of the 5-stage character development scheme !
• love language: acts of service
• description:
    all her life, she thinks she's been asleep, like everything about her isn't her, like she has no control of things. it's as if she's lucidly dreaming, waking up each day and watch the hours go by in a flash. she meets you one day, and something inside her just clicks -- and then it's that dream again, the one she's used to dreaming about, running through her mind over and over again. could you be the person she seeks to help her find happiness? or are you the happiness that she's sought all her life?