Personal Message
Memories Unlocked
Donec vitae rhoncus ligula. Pellentesque massa leo, tempor at diam eget, egestas blandit purus. Fusce finibus fermentum arcu. Morbi lorem dolor, aliquet eget euismod in, malesuada nec ante. Aliquam faucibus nisl ac nulla placerat suscipit. Donec a consequat neque, vitae sagittis felis. Praesent dignissim rutrum facilisis. Nullam nec semper neque. Donec turpis mi, pulvinar ut arcu id, luctus dapibus magna. Proin laoreet iaculis tempus. Quisque tempor dui vitae lectus sagittis, nec dictum neque venenatis. Duis euismod nibh in nibh lacinia accumsan. Proin congue, mauris vitae dapibus venenatis, ex libero volutpat elit, quis mattis lorem lectus vel nisi.

Kim Hyuna
Eris, Goddess of discord, chaos and strife
Heteroual, Heteromantic 
When Hyuna was a baby, she was found outside of a church since her mother had given her up. As a child she spent time in an orphanage and sadly no one adopted her. As an adult, she became a social media influencer and her job takes her to different places, so she ended up finding moirai city and is settled there for the time being.
Initial memory- In the recurring dream Hyuna is watching an argument between people escalate to a physical fight and she just sits there, watching it and smiling.