Personal Message
kim namjoon
26 years old
gangster, loan shark
employed at periwinkle loans
so many plagues displayed, and so malign amid the most dismal swarm were running people and terrified, hopeless of hiding-hole or heliotrope. they had their hands with serpents tied behind: these through the lions fastened their tail and head, and were entwined in front. and lo, a snake darted at one who was close by our side, and, where the neck is to the shoulders joined, transfixed him. ever was an o or i so quickly writ, as he took fire and burned, and falling, must be all to ashes turned: and aafter he was thus upon the ground unmade, the ash regathered of itself, and suddenly into the selfsame man returned: so, it is solemnly declared by the great sages the the phoenix dies, and then, when near to her five-hundredth year she draws, is born again. she, living, feeds on neither herb nor grain, but only tears of incense, and amomum; and her shroud, at last, is nard and myrrh. and as is he who falls, and knows not how, by demon-power which drags him to the earth, or else by force of other stoppage which doth bind the man, who , when he rises, gazes round about, wholly bewildered by the grreat distress that he has undergone, and gazing, sighs-- o power of god, how rigorous it is, that showers such blows in vengeance!" divine inferno, lines 94-124.
 ↺ the lone dragon.
the dragon's beginning。
namjoon was three years old when he was left on the doorstep to an orphanage. he was raised there until he was fifteen when a local gang syndicate was recruiting any promising male orphans--and namjoon certainly was that. while playful, he was known for having an inclination to be disobedient and strong with the smarts to cover his tracks. however growing up in the new environment changed him forever, causing him to have a cruel outlook on people. while at periwinkle, his only mode of business is giving loans and collecting payments--of which, his debtors would be willing to do anything but to pay namjoon's set price for a late fee.
when asked if he'd ever want to become a leader, he said, "a leader amongst pigs? you can't lead a pig or tell a pig what to do. they won't understand. they're only good for charging at whatever makes them mad--or eating them if you like pork."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices gravida erat, vel cursus sapien consequat eget. Integer metus diam, molestie sed gravida sit amet, dictum sed elit. Donec porttitor egestas imperdiet. Proin varius sed justo nec mattis. In pellentesque consectetur risus, nec tristique massa auctor sit amet. Sed pellentesque quis eros quis venenatis. Ut ornare dui vel diam dapibus, sit amet elementum neque laoreet. Nullam pulvinar urna eu lacinia maximus. Pellentesque faucibus orci sit amet viverra aliquam. Aliquam lobortis semper arcu ut congue. Nulla facilisi. Ut accumsan nunc risus, nec molestie tellus suscipit id. Ut eget interdum sapien.
Cras pretium rutrum enim, et lacinia ante porttitor vitae. Sed vulputate, erat eget varius tempor, purus erat semper tellus, sed venenatis ante enim at diam. Donec suscipit velit sed lectus ornare, non cursus ipsum rhoncus. Suspendisse dui nunc, rutrum quis diam vel, mattis interdum nunc. In nulla tortor, lobortis sed est ut, eleifend aliquam lacus. Phasellus eget dignissim eros, id dapibus erat. Curabitur nibh dui, aliquam auctor condimentum sed, cursus at nisl. Donec ac augue in arcu dapibus accumsan a eu risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse odio risus, eleifend ac nisi ut, suscipit lobortis risus. Suspendisse mollis orci sit amet nisi interdum dapibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices gravida erat, vel cursus sapien consequat eget. Integer metus diam, molestie sed gravida sit amet, dictum sed elit. Donec porttitor egestas imperdiet. Proin varius sed justo nec mattis. In pellentesque consectetur risus, nec tristique massa auctor sit amet. Sed pellentesque quis eros quis venenatis. Ut ornare dui vel diam dapibus, sit amet elementum neque laoreet. Nullam pulvinar urna eu lacinia maximus. Pellentesque faucibus orci sit amet viverra aliquam. Aliquam lobortis semper arcu ut congue. Nulla facilisi. Ut accumsan nunc risus, nec molestie tellus suscipit id. Ut eget interdum sapien.
multi-para, single para
third pov preferred
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices gravida erat, vel cursus sapien consequat eget. Integer metus diam, molestie sed gravida sit amet, dictum sed elit. Donec porttitor egestas imperdiet. Proin varius sed justo nec mattis. In pellentesque consectetur risus, nec tristique massa auctor sit amet. Sed pellentesque quis eros quis venenatis. Ut ornare dui vel diam dapibus, sit amet elementum neque laoreet. Nullam pulvinar urna eu lacinia maximus. Pellentesque faucibus orci sit amet viverra aliquam. Aliquam lobortis semper arcu ut congue. Nulla facilisi. Ut accumsan nunc risus, nec molestie tellus suscipit id. Ut eget interdum sapien.
Cras pretium rutrum enim, et lacinia ante porttitor vitae. Sed vulputate, erat eget varius tempor, purus erat semper tellus, sed venenatis ante enim at diam. Donec suscipit velit sed lectus ornare, non cursus ipsum rhoncus. Suspendisse dui nunc, rutrum quis diam vel, mattis interdum nunc. In nulla tortor, lobortis sed est ut, eleifend aliquam lacus. Phasellus eget dignissim eros, id dapibus erat. Curabitur nibh dui, aliquam auctor condimentum sed, cursus at nisl. Donec ac augue in arcu dapibus accumsan a eu risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse odio risus, eleifend ac nisi ut, suscipit lobortis risus. Suspendisse mollis orci sit amet nisi interdum dapibus.
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