Personal Message
basic information.
5k notes
— full name
emma fujimoto
— date of birth
— orientation
— occupation
casting director 
— love interest
— relationship status
single (on purpose)
— location
hollywood, baby. 
10k notes

Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.

—dead poets society
about me.
20k notes
emma was born and raised in oahu with a family who emigrated from japan. her father is a board director for some resort in hawaii and her mother is a translator who works in tourism — emma never really asked exactly what her parents did, she just knew there were kids who didn't have everything she did growing up. her grandparents and extended family still live in japan, where she visits from time to time.
a ucla grad who majored in communications. emma's sorority helped her network and intern for a casting director, an opportunity she took because it seemed cool, and that was the start of her fun and stressful career. for most of her internship, she took phone calls and filed paperwork for her mentor. a lot of these calls were to actors and directors and their assistants. with a lot of buttering up, emma became an invaluable part of the agency and eventually a full-time casting director herself. at the moment, emma carries a portion of her mentor's contacts and is working hard to create a reputation that invites new and upcoming stars that fit the needs of the directors her agency sends her.
she's a bundle of energy that never stops going. her mind seems to go 85 mph and adderall just makes it go faster. emma is a huge social butterfly and never stops herself from making herself known. she's a happy drunk and giggly when she's high. put her on the dance floor and she won't stop dancing until the club closes. when she has closed, she gives the vibe of an elegant working woman, but the moment that mouth opens, she becomes the bubbliest little klutz that makes you feel at ease with her words.
when it comes to relationships, emma makes a great friend. she's down for anything and is always eager to have fun. no matter how long it's been since you've seen emma, she will always talk to you as if time had stopped from the last time you've seen her and there's always that familiar air around her. however, when it comes to romance, emma is completely blind. she befriends the boys who like her and takes their advances as something friendly. her hookups were always just some frat boy that she'd forget about the next morning. being tied down in a relationship isn't something that she actively avoids, it's just something that doesn't make any sense for her when she can get without the whole man. 
now playing.
30k notes
George Michael
Careless Whisper (Saxophone 10-hour loop) 
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7k notes
— likes

people, pickles, pictures, pop music, fun and games. the sunrise and sunset and the way the sky reflects over the ocean. 

— dislikes

that sound of styrofoam rubbing against itself, the scraping noise of metal, party poopers, (only when she's sober)   

— hobbies

yoga, pilates, biking, mlms, cooking, juicing, a little bit of gardening whatever can fit on the windowsill.

— goals

to become a reputable casting director and gain rapport between producers and directors to become a long-serving staff member in the industry.  

— languages

english (fluent), japanese (proficient), french (conversational), spanish (beginner)

favorite artist
favorite actor
favorite book
favorite author
favorite season
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
out of character.
30k notes
replies come when they come. if you would like fast replies, please don't hit me up or i will cry. i have work and school and more work after all that work and school — rpr is not a priority. but, um, i still want to rp and love and adore you so come at me, babes. unless you want fast replies, because i can't give you that. 