
Name:Reno Strife
Faceclaim:Lee Juyeon
Age:22 years old
Reno lived a normal life with the exception of his father leaving him and his mom when he was just a teenager. But it didn't really hit him that hard, it only made him realize that he was supposed to support his mother from then on. He focused on his studies and after much effort he managed to become a policeman like he always wanted. Everything seemed too good to be true. First it was his mother remarrying a very good man then the news of her pregnancy...then came the results of his psychology test that were poor in order to pass the examinaiton but due to his step father having some connections with a police officer they disregarded the results as it being false due to stress and they accepted him. How Reno wished it was due to stress he failed the ing test. It was on his first patrol that he heard voices even though he was all alone in the car. He didn't pay much attention to it after all he had been watching some horror films lately. His mind was playing tricks on him. It was on his first real mission that everything took a downfall. A man jumped from the 8th floor of a building...the firefighters were too late. He had never been terrified of mutilated bodies before. Not until he saw the body coming back to life and heading straight towards him. That night he had passed out but his partners said it was normal to overreact sometimes to such gruesome scenes. They let him do some office work to relax. His vision became blurry while he was reading some papers and suddenly every little sound seemed too loud for him. The clicking of a pen,the sound of pencil brushing against paper,an exhale...Hoping for a cure he visited a psychologist without telling anyone. It couldn't be that serious. Then he heard the word that destroyed his once perfect and ordinary life. His diagnosis, schizophrenia. For once the voice in his head dared him to do the right thing under such circumstances. Without a second thought he stabbed the psychologist and masked his murder as a suicide case,easily. Ever since he has been searching everywhere for some pills,willing to address even criminals,druglords,gang members and junkies in order to provide him with medicine,looking maniacally for the one that would minimize his symptoms before they became apparent to his colleagues and he lost his job and the chance for a future career because of the chemicals that were taking over his mind.