Personal Message

Name: Choi San
Age: Appears to be in his low to mid twenties
Race: Demon/ Sin of Envy
Orientation: Panual
Status: Single
Bio: It wasn't his fault. He told his brother that over a dozen times. He didn't know what happened to the artifact he was given. He had it, it was in his room, right where it was supposed to be. Then POOF it just vanished. He walked into his room one day and it was gone. A true mystery. He was robbed. It was a e. It was a very large dexterous rat. His story changed every time he told it. Conveniently he failed to mention that between the artifact being in his room, and suddenly not being in his room, he may or may not have taken it to try to impress an exotic dancer that was popular at one of his favorite clubs. And said dancer may or may not have convinced him to give it to her, and she may or may not have sold it for money to ditch town. Of course by the time she was gone San had already forgotten her name, and even what she looked like. It was so weird how the artifact just vanished though. Needless to say no one was buying his story and everyone was done with San and his bull. He needed to learn the value of power instead of taking his position and his title for granted. So he was sentenced to slavery in an attempt to teach him a lesson. 
Personality: San is easily bored as he doesn't have a very long attention span. It's not that he's malicious, he just doesn't like stagnation. Anything that is still for too long makes him restless. He likes things to be in constant motion, be that his environment, or the people he surrounds himself with. He's always looking for that 'something new' for the next trend, the next obsession he can throw himself into before that too becomes boring and he moves onto the next in line. Because of this rather glaring character flaw, San is really bad with the big picture perspective. He cannot be trusted with anything of value because it will end up lost, broken, pawned, or accidentally on purpose given to his hellhound. He will not feel bad about it either, because guilt requires him to acknowledge that he did something wrong, and in his own mind he's done nothing wrong. It's not his fault it was boring and he didn't care about it anymore. He can be rather dense in this regard, like arguing with a rock. He is impossible to get through to once he's made up his mind, unless you happen to be part of his newest obsession for the five minutes that he's fixated on it. Then you might get through to him, but otherwise you'll argue yourself into insanity trying to make him understand. Manipulation is always your best bet against San, he's easy to manipulate into wanting something. If enough people are interested in something he will be too, and he will want it all to himself. Even if he only thinks a lot of people want it, he will set his mind on having it and nothing will stop him. 


Blood Moon Side effect [Event] - All Abilities ( LOST )

1. Shadow Manipulation
2. Teleportation
3. Enhanced strength
4. Telekinesis
5. Enhanced healing/ Regeneration

Ivory in the Mist Triple Blood Moon 2022 Participation Badge