Personal Message

october 31 - witch


august 2051 




✧ Zacharius Lux11:26:22 AMReply

take that motherer


“ We search for things that we don't know how to find, and sometimes, after years, we find them. But I haven't found mine yet. ”

juniper vandel // 669 (looks 20) // vampire, pureblood // 5'5 // biual // currently playing: life is a highway - rascal flatts

↳ alignment: none

learned powers: 
➢ n/a at this time.

natural powers: 
➢ seduction, shadow manipulation, mesmerism, blood-bending
➢ she does not have the vampire power to shapeshift, for some reason

↳ strengths: 
➢ intimidation
➢ combat experience
➢ pretending to be human

↳ weaknesses: 
➢ needs high blood intake to perform blood-bending or shadow manipulation
➢ needs high blood intake to keep her body warm to keep up the human pretense
➢ basically she has to drink a lot of blood dgkngkjndfhd

↳ weapons: 
➢ she fights with blades and only keeps one handgun for really pesky situations

brief background: rewriting bc it isn't accurate
➢ juniper vandel was born the third child of her family, preceded by two older brothers named willow and birch. when she was eight years old, her brother disappeared without a trace.
➢ as she grew up, juniper was obsessed with tracking down willow and getting answers as to what had happened and why he had left her like that. she almost caught up to him at a prestigious event she had infiltrated in italy, but lost him once again.
➢ from there she caught the scent again in the city of dreams and has been following leads here for the past three weeks.

↳ connections:
➢ willow vandel and birch vandel – the older brother she's been looking for ever since he first disappeared when they were children, and the older brother who was sent away by their mother. she has found no leads.

↳ ooc:
➢ a full profile will be up asap.








July 27, 2051

Freak Of The Fall

Celes /

Sunlit Street
