Personal Message

summer festival skills from best to worst: horseback racing, archery, sparring, wrestling, javelin-throwing, chariot races, team combat 


Faceclaim Yuxin Liu
Age 23
Species Reincarnated God; Thoth
Occupation Member of squad 719 [Sleeper Agent]
Alignment: Mortem
-Dreamwalking (may develop into astral projection over time)
-Telepathy/ Empathy
-high tolerance for mental/physical abuse
- Intelligent
-physically weak
- Impulsive
-Possessive/ fear of abandonment
Brief Background
Bea doesn’t remember life before they moved, and though her aunt told her the stories of her parents and of Kairo it still felt as though it was someone else's story she was telling. Among these questions in Bea’s life, this was one of many, and those questions were what ultimately landed her in the hands of the St. Aloysius School for Mentally Disabled Youth, a pleasant name for a cruel and insidious place. Time passed slowly within the walls of the school, marked only by the quiet footsteps of the nuns and the regular distribution of medicine that made Bea feel like she was losing touch with reality. Her only respite came in the form of dreams, visions of beautiful river delta’s, lush with vegetation and teeming with life. Every night it would be a different delta, a different location but within the scene, there was always the same bird, one she did not know the name of at the time, but later came to realize was an Ibis. It was the Ibis who taught her how to find the doors, to walk free from the confines of the asylum to which she was physically bound. It was the Ibis that led her to Reina, a being as wild and free as the wind itself, one intent on providing Bea her freedom as well. It wasn’t long after that when Bea’s life truly began and she found herself in the presence of those who understood that she was not crazy and that her gifts were not something that needed to be medicated away.
Password a scythe and a scepter, dual-wielded