Personal Message
student id.
basic information
full name
Samantha lee
year level
tonkinese cat
Spruce wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and suprisingly swishy flexibility
core classes
care of magical creatures, study of ancient runes
  • Has a case a prosopagnosia or face blindness
  • Is brute, blunt and gets into fights if provoked which is probably why despite not being the one who started the fight, she gets in trouble the most.
  • Is part of the quidditch team as a keeper. Despite her face blindness, she is very good at the game. It isnt that hard when there are house colours to help her know who was in the opposition and she recognised each of their voices and their movements and their body structure to know who was who.
  • Half blood, her mother was a muggle and her father a pure blood which caused her family to treat her mother as some sort of plague and to ensure Samantha did not get the same treatment, her mother left her when she was only 5 years old. But when little Samantha went after her mother to bring her back, she saw her mother get killed right in front of her eyes. The incident traumatised her and scarred her for life which became the root cause of her face blindness. It was her way to cope up with the trauma, a way to forget the face of the one who got killed and the one who killed.
  • Having grown in the family where there were more boys than girls, she was treated as one and was pushed around and with the knowledge that she was a half blood in the pure blooded family, she was pushed around harder, made to do manual labour, no magic allowed. But that made her who she is now. Tough, brave and someone who will push back if she has to. She learned how to fight back when she was provoked for no reason at all. 
  • One wouldnt believe her to be part of Ravenclaw for she didnt have a lot of traits associated with the house except for her intelligence and wisdom beyond her age. It perhaps came from her mother who was too bright and knowledgeable, someone who soaked in information easily and put it into use. It was what attracted her father to her mother. If her mother had been a witch, she would be for surely been in Ravenclaw and maybe it was that part in Samantha that dominated all the others and placed her in Ravenclaw.
  • Will add more in time.