Personal Message

summer festival skills from best to worst: javelin-throwing, horseback racing, archery, chariot races, team combat, sparring, wrestling 



Name Kairos Raptis (Alter: Kai Raptis/ Raptor (Moros)

Age 30

Species: Demigod/ Nymph; Son of Nyx and a water nymph (captain of the fae guard)

Occupation: Apprentice Chef

Alignment:  Flora/ Dream guard


Weather Manipulation/ minor lightning manipulation 

Prophecies of Death













Brief Background

Kairos was born in Greece, a child of a water nymph and the goddess Nyx.

Though his mother never had time for him his father doted on him and kept him well-loved and cared for. Shortly after his 7th birthday, Kairos’s father had to go away on a trip, though kairos never knew much about the trip something made him nervous a sense that something would go terribly wrong, so much so that he begged his father not to go. But his desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. 

He waited and waited, as his father had said he wasn’t sure how long the trip would take but as the days crept on the dread kept in further. On the Sunday of the 3rd week, his nanny came to him, face tearstained and ashen. And Kairos knew, His father was not coming home. The pain, loss, anger, and sorrow broke kairos in a way that nothing else could, he had known something bad was coming but could do nothing to stop it. Kairos needed a protector, someone to take the pain away and thus Kai was born. Strong-willed and abrasive, Kai took over when kairos needed protecting, physically changing his appearance. 

Early in kairos’s 19th year, his mother reappeared in his life demanding that he establish connections with a powerful nymph family in Greece. Being the filial child he was he agreed to the arrangement, much to Kai’s chagrin. Truly, the only thing he knew about the other was his name, Areti. However, on the day that he was supposed to be married, he was left waiting for a fiancé that wasn't coming. The Spiros family had forgotten to mention that Areti fled Greece, and he never found out why. 

Preferred weapon: Scorpion whip