Personal Message

Halloween costume;





Name: Oak Lichen | goes by Atlas
FC: Nine/Jung Wookjin | OnlyOneOf
Age: 79 (looks 21)
Species: Pixie
Occupation: Strategist
Alignment: Kelen
Learned powers: Air manipulation, sympathetic magic
Strengths: Good strategist, clever, what he's good at he excels at
Weaknesses: Lazy, no real aspirations, can be a pushover
Brief background: Oak is a pixie and part of a noble family. However, he was never in line for the throne and never had any interest in it. From a young age he excelled at chess and other strategic games from which he developed a talent for other strategy, such as war strategy. However, Oak is very lazy and has no ambition and therefore never uses this talent except to sometimes help his cousin Monarch, who he knows will make a fine leader, leaving Oak all the free time in the world.
Password: His big brain