
Irene | 100 years old | Android | The Epitome of Galatea

There was once an artist who had been fascinated by creating androids, he tinkers a lot of what he should be making on androids. His work of creating androids took 2 months and goes on without marrying someone. In his 100th attempt on making android, he plans on making a perfect android as he once read the ancient tales of Pygmalion and Galatea. A scultor who loves his own creation. So as the artist who had been imagining his 100th android to be his lover.


So he started finding high-end materials for his supposed lover to make the perfect android who looks like a regular human. He starts to plan to sculpt her face and the shape of her body by using 3D maker on his computer, he had attached the high-end materials into her system and downloaded an artificial human consciousness inside the android's brain to make it look like she is acting human despite being an android, calling her 'Irene'. He put limiters as well on her so that the android would not go haywire or go far enough of her behavior. It took him a year to finish and put her to cryo pod to preserve her.


But he has never opened her from the pod as he was gunned down by the greedy gangs who wanted to auctioned the perfect android that would make a tons of money for them. However, her cryo pod was completely sealed and has codes that no one could decipher it. Since the pod of where the android is still in hypersleep is unbreakable, they instead took her to the black market and where she was placed on hold until someone managed to bought her after a hundred years being inside the pod.


She was released by someone after they had decipher the code from her pod, there she was still asleep and was never touched by someone. They thought that she was a human, a goddess in an android form. They activated her and the first thing she saw was the face of the person who had wake her up, Irene's personality was similar to a typical human who just woke up from sleep. However her system was all about human consciousness where anyone thought Irene is a normal human, but inside she is an android, even Irene thought that she is a human due to the installed human consciousness, emotions and feelings inside her. The only thing that made a difference of her apart from humans is that she doesn't get wounded or having blood in her system where she thought that she had a tough skin despite how flawless she is, she can't even eat foods like normal humans does.


Irene is currently looking for temporary jobs she could earn money for living while still under the one who had freed her from the pod.


Likes: Dogs, Cats, Children, Cozy Places, Coffee Shops.

Dislikes: Gangs, Criminals, Violence, Disabling her Limiter.



Personality: Irene is a very generous to people she meet, she is very fond of children and animals, as well as being courteous to elderly. Whenever she sees anyone who needs help, she instantly comes to them for a help. But when her limiter has removed, it would be a mistake, even though she has high end components inside her, there are still some parts inside her android body that hasn't been optimized, it might lead her to a subconscious killing machine.