Personal Message

he was either wildly naive or dangerously intelligent.

+ Nie 
+ twenty-one
+ beta
+ hybri0d/half
roleplayed by zombae
+ about me

There is a power in innocence- a blissful silence that careens towards a calm storm. ten is the embodiment of such sweet serenity.

growing up, Ten lead what most would consider a sheltered lifestyle. for as long as he can remember, he has only known the confines of his father's property: a secluded cabin nestled within a vast expanse of woodlands. 

this space is where he grew to learn the rules of life.

1) Never trust strangers

2) never venture beyond the brush

and 3) never ask about other wolves.

The last rule was by far his most important. 

you see, any time ten would bring up the whereabouts of his pack-mates or his other parent to his father, a somber look would encroach his features before she simply shook his head. 

there was never any words, nor explanation as to why it was just the two of them, only that this was the way things needed to be,, though somewhere deep down, ten knew it was because of him.. because he was a hybrid, that they had to be secluded, but no matter.

ten grew to accept this, living out his days doing his chores and learning survival tactics from his father. he would train daily and through training, he learned how to thrive off of the land.

life for ten was quite, and peaceful.. that was until his father went out to gather firewood and never returned.

ten waited days, weeks, and nothing. his scent was gone, as if he had simply disappeared. it was then that ten decided to break his father's second rule, and travel beyond to world unknown..


Ten is innocent and naive to an extent, but he is also very untrusting of others due to his upbringing. he is very suspicious of his other 'pack mates' as he is thoroughly convinced that they had something to do with the disappearance of his father.

he doesn't care what you are, but as long as you have the surname nie, you are not someone to be trusted.

#innocence #is #bliss
+ quirks
+ likes
the outdoors, animals, quiet 
+ dislikes
thunder and lightning, the smell of smoke, darkness
+ hobbies
swordplay, crafting, reading, writing 
#Love #without #regret
+ playlist
Fight Or Flight
Conan Gray
#It's #Not #Real
+ lover
+ full name 
+ date here
+ status

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#I'd #Rather #Lie
+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name