Personal Message

Full name: Xiaoran
FC: Zhang Bin Bin / actor
Age: Appears in his late 20s but his real age is unknown
Species: Heavenly deity
Occupation: Advisor, personal guard
Alignment: Wanggeom
Learned powers: Manipulation of yin-yang energy
Strengths and weaknesses: Loyal, good fighter, has morals | Stubborn, old-fashioned, too serious
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BG: A divine being, Xiaoran was born from the wolf clan in one of the realms of the heavenly beings on Mount Kunlun. He grew up to be a soldier, a general, and served the heavenly emperor for many years. However, Xiaoran grew tired of the constant, repetitive wars and went down to the human world to guard one of the mountains from demons and beasts. Xiaoran eventually grew tired of this too, and headed south, where he met Dangun Wanggeom. Xiaoran became a close guard and advisor for the king's many reigns, following him once he left Korea.