Personal Message

Yea... no profile pic yet. 

Shot me, I'm still looking for a nice wolfie picture to upload

Seeing you're here and checking up on my profile, I take it you have so sort of interest about my character so here's a few things you should know:

1. Be honest with what you truly want btwn your character's interaction with mine. I can be your average nice guy that love to cuddle and comfort others but I can also turned into a beast. Your choice will influence how the interaction progress. 

2. I'm a er for plot twist. Although I never done rp before, I read fictions... like a lot. So description, calculative action and interaction very much welcomed.

3. Preference, not that I want to change anything about you or expecting you to become someone else. First rule apply here as well. Be honest. Act how you want yourself to be treated and you might just received the same treatment from me.