Personal Message


every siren has consequences and here i am paying for it. 

—quote source
+ kitty amatayakul 
+ aug.5.1993 
+ panual 
+ leo 
roleplayed by floraison
+ frames

park sooyoung ʲᵒʸ 🍀 2 minutes ago Reply @araki yuko ? you are special


023 ⁉️8:42:45 PMReply soft like ion have the means but I’ll buy you the whole galaxy still and give you all the love bc my heArt busting with uwus for you



#tag #tag #tag
+ quirks
+ likes
books, writing, coffee, long walks, painting, late night drives, lofi, discovering new things, the color oceanic blue, winter, traveling, photography.
+ dislikes
mixed signals, being ignored, being alone, the color brown (only bcs i think it looks meh on me), sweating on a very hot summer day.
+ hobbies/habbits
watching movies when all goes wrong, collecting figurines, going through books like i do with clothes, singing in the shower like a maniac, joking with my friends, holding close memories to heart whether they were good or bad. 
#tag #tag #tag
+ playlist
#tag #tag #tag
+ lover
+ full name 
+ date here
+ status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

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+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name