Personal Message

Mystiq Institute

ID #6489307

Name Niklaus Ryder
d.o.b 09.14.1663
Species HYbrid
Powers flight, longevity, olfaction,  limited weather control
Timezone GMT-5

Future DPs

Past DPs


Edit Profile

Klaus Ryder
Gym Demon
My sword is bigger than yours
Fly high and fly free
ic info
basic info
full name
Niklaus Killian Ryder
date of birth
September 14, 1663
Hybrid (half inuyokai half bàn lóng)
358 but looks 26
Biual biromantic
flight, longevity, olfaction,  limited weather control
turns fully human on the night of the new moon, tends to hoard
about me
Niklaus' birth was one that had been greatly celebrated. His father was a powerful Daiyokai, ruler of the western lands in the old days of Japan. His mother had been a bàn lóng of royal blood. However, many people weren't happy with the union, so the family was constantly in danger.

Fearing for their son's safety, Klaus was sent to Mystiq Institute for his own protection while his parents went into hiding.

He recently graduated from the Institute, and was going to leave Lunaria in search for his parents only for him to receive word of their demise. He was never told how they were killed, but now the title of Ruler of the Western Lands falls on him. But he instead decided to stay in Lunaria for his wife, with whom he has an open marriage, and teach at the school.

more tba as he's used
now playing
yes girl
Bea Miller
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» Name: Here
» Date: Here
» Status: Here
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hello peeps, babyqueen here! you can call me by my username, my characters' names, or by my nickname Nikki. I don't mind new nicknames either so feel free to have a go lol. my timezone is GMT-4 or -5 depending on the time of year (screw you daylight savings). I usually just say GMT-5 though because I'm lazy. I'm the main admin here so feel free to pm me if you have any comments, concerns, or questions. However, since I have more than one character here, for the sake of organization I ask that you send any admin-related PMs to my admin character, Liliana Haiz.

On the topic of PMs, they are mostly for plotting and ooc talk or admin-related things. I prefer to plot and write in 3rd pov but I can also do detailed 1st pov. My length varies and I will usually try to mirror what you give me, but I can go from script to multi-para. It's very rare especially nowadays that I will do novella. I prefer to rp in rooms but I don't mind moving sensitive moments (whether it's triggering or ) to PMs if my writing partner prefers that. I like to keep my wall as clean as possible as this is where I'll be keeping notes/updates on my character that don't need to be in their profile.

OOC I am 24 years old. Because of this, my characters may be involved in mature content. This includes but is not limited to violence, triggering plots, and . Proper warnings will be posted where applicable. I don't have many triggers in regards to roleplaying so I'm always open to doing darker plots. I also love plots with angst and drama but will never say no to other genres.

I am usually pretty good at keeping track of who I'm roleplaying with and where so I don't need to be poked. Please refrain from doing so as it will only result in me actually wanting to reply less even if I have high muse for our plot. That being said, if it's been more than 5 days since my last reply and I'm not on hiatus and you see I'm active, feel free to send me a reminder as chances are in this case the reply got lost in my notifications.

Despite everything I just said, I'm a relatively chill person. Feel free to hit up any of my characters to plot and roleplay, and don't be afraid to talk to me ooc as well! happy roleplaying!
played by babyqueen
Heavy is the head that bears the crown
—William Shakespeare