
There will come a day that I won't recognize myself in the mirror, but if I were being honest, I think I'm already there and I don't know what to do.

Nov. 15th19 years oldCluster Three • League Onemodel studentpanrom + ace✩彡

walk the line

walk the line

walk the line

in character
out of character
class schedule

monday: tba i'm braindead

tuesday: tba i'm braindead

wednesday: tba i'm braindead

thursday: tba i'm braindead

friday: tba i'm braindead

saturday: tba i'm braindead

sunday: n/a


@notsjy: public account open to everyone

@UJ343D89Wh: public account used for leaking information from inside the academy; no one knows he has this account

like the wind

tba i'm braindead

Cras eleifend condimentum leo, fringilla semper ligula interdum nec. Aenean at rhoncus orci, et pulvinar erat. Duis iaculis nibh eu nisl viverra, in ultrices odio ullamcorper. Mauris eget tristique erat.


tba i'm braindead


learning new things - 


rude people - unfair systems - 


carries around a little notebook chock full of notes and tidbits he finds interesting which no one can open, but he does share things from time to time - is able to remember what information is given to him but can easily mix it up with something else


Proin egestas fringilla tellus, auctor elementum velit dignissim feugiat.


They wouldn't be secrets then.

character name
character name
character name

game of survival


reply speed
general things

Hi hello! Feel free to call me Marii or by my character's name. I'm a college student currently taking online classes with a part time job so my activity isn't definite. That being said, don't trust the online sign. Sometimes I just forget to log out.

rping dos

I am open to plotting, winging, and connections! Please have an idea, anything will do, even a post if it inspires you aha, before approaching me though. We can always brainstorm and develop that idea together. I heavily prefer 3rd pov, and my writing length depends on the thread and my muse.

rping don'ts

If I owe replies, please don't poke me. I am aware of what I'm missing. I just need the time and the right mind space to write. I don't do heavy gore, heavy violence, or . If you were looking for that, sorry. I'm always here for the plot, not the .