Full Name: Chu Sojung
Moniker: Lorelei
Occupation: University Assistant Professor of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Siren song - the ability to lure targets towards her
    and temporarily hypnotize them
  • Mastery in various forms of combat, including 
    hand to hand combat and armed combat.
Weakness: ability will only work if the target can clearly hear it and does not have any psychic shield
Orientation: Panual
Status: Single
Aesthetic: technical scene, flowers, guns
Sojung is a child born out of wedlock. Her mother used to work as a househelper in her father's wealthy household. Wanting to get out of the poor life, Sojung's mother seduced her father and gave birth to the child. Fortunately or unfortunately, Sojung's father did not want a commitment that will ruin his image as a politician so he paid them a large sum to lay low. Sojung's parents got what they wanted - wealth and fame. However, with it, came Sojung, one of the "freak of natures" her mother didn't like. She would not tell Sojung directly that she doesn't like her being a mutant but everytime she says she wouldn't have done it if she knew Sojung's father was a mutant, it is kind of heavily implied.
Sojung grew up in their small town peacefully, thanks to her mother being well loved at the place. Afraid of what people will say, her mother hid everything about Sojung, always reminding her to never ever sing or even hum a tune, both in public and in private. Her mother justified it by saying it's really not necessary for her to use her abilities since there are already heroes out there who will protect them when necessary. Sojung pretended that she believed her mom's justification but she had always known the real reason why she wasn't allowed to sing.
She never really knew her father growing up. He used to gave her more than enough compensation monthly for her and her mother to shut up. So, they did. She wouldn't have known her father's face if not for him appearing in her television screen when she was little. To her, he was like a ghost who she wished she could exorcise. It was when the two worlds collided that her father finally died. She was relieved and contented that she was gone. She never really knew him but she knew that he deserved it.
Sojung got a scholarship in a university so she moved to a bigger city and started a new life there. She felt like she's finally free from the binds of her mother but apparently, it's too late for her to start loving her ability. Her only comfort is that she had been training to combat ever since middle school. She would sneak out of her house at night to train with her mutant friends in their town. An "old man", who she never really got to know the name was there to "guide them". She didn't trust him but she trusted his ideals - some people don't deserve to be in this world either because they're horrible for it or too good for it. She carried his ideals as a university student in the city.
At the present, she's working as a university assistant professor. As a civilian, she is a hardworking person who seems to take her career seriously and has a good reputation in their university. As a villain though, she is anything but that. She is chaotic and unstrategic but is determined to reach her goal.
Positive Traits: adventurous, cheerful, friendly
Negative Traits: impulsive, insensitive, self-centered
Sojung has two sides - the serious assistant professor at the university who takes her job seriously and is not forgiving to her students and the cheerful lady out of work who just wants to relax and take life as is while making friends. A combination of the two is the attitude that she brings to her villain work. While she is nonchalant and cheerful in a middle of a fight, she is also very unforgiving to her enemies. She can get quite impulsive, making and changing decisions from time to time. In a fight, she doesn't even hesitate even if the opponent is way stronger than her. She often charges without thinking nor planning. It's only thanks to her combat instincts that she actually survived up to this day.
- Gardening is one of her hobbies. She has a small garden in the balcony of her apartment.
- She has never been in a serious relationship before. She did try dating people but she's too busy with her own thing to actually pay attention to them.
- cats. she thinks they're adorable but can't adopt one because she knows she won't be able to take care of it.
vanilla ice cream. she's one of those people who eats ice cream even during the winter season.
guns. she collects different types of gun even though she only ever uses few of them.
books. she finds it difficult to focus on reading so she hates it when people force her to read a book.
her ability. she went from hating her ability because it exists to hating it because it's pretty weak.
to be added.