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It was when jungkook was young that he realized he was.. a bit different from other kids. it started with healing cuts and scratches that he’d get while out exploring his backyard or the woods. or reviving dead flowers here and there that he ended up stumbling upon. then it got to being able to see fleeting images of another’s emotion or feeling when he touched them. the warm feeling starting from his chest and traveling to his fingertips only to leave him exhausted and tired. but he was always fine in the end. always feeling better and no longer in pain. it was a good thing, right? surely his parents would be happy for such a discovery!

the faces they made when shown though were of anger and fear. how could their own child be like this? would their whole family be targeted now if others got wind of their kid’s abilities? the next two weeks were spent with yelling and fighting between his parents as jungkook hid in his closet with hands desperately covering his ears. he was only a kid. ultimately, his parents decided that jungkook would not be allowed to use his power in front of anyone, basically not at all.

ever since telling his parents of his powers, growing up has been like hell for him. looking back at it now he knows they were just looking out for him. for all of them really. but it left jungkook broken, empty even, having to keep it a secret and being treated like an alien in his own home. by his own family. it was just tough. it didn’t stop him though from taking chances of sneaking out and exploring still. to still use his powers on things, whether it was himself, plants, or an injured animal on rare occasions. those moments only ended up making him hone out his abilities more and strengthen them.

now, jungkook is an adult and lives by himself. he still keeps his powers a secret but uses them daily as he now works as a veterinarian at a local pet clinic, able to heal and accommodate the animals that come in. when he’s not busy with work, he tries to hide his identity while taking time to visit injured people in any recent attack to heal them. jungkook feels happy, free, to be helping others even if they’re mostly just animals or plants. his powers, from a child to now, have improved greatly. he no longer gets exhausted from healing a flower or a cut on his knee nor does it take a long time now. Heck, he recently found out that he can turn his healing into a cool little shield to protect himself from damage. He’s also able to feel another’s emotion/feeling even better now to the point where he can see the events that caused it as if he was there himself. If needed, the man is able to also alter the individual’s emotion.

it all comes with a price though. sure he can heal just about any injury but it’s only if he has contact with the individual. It still leaves him exhausted and sometimes incapacitated depending on how serious the injury is or how big the other may be. Small things like dogs, flowers, even babies or little kids are fine for him. They leave him a little winded up but nothing that he can’t handle. It’s when it comes to adults and larger creatures that it starts to become a problem for him.

With his empathy power, or echo as he likes to call it, He can only come into contact with an individual, whether it’s holding hands or touching the top of their hand, to see their emotions/feelings. downside is that it doesn’t work on people with apathy as they do not have any emotions/feelings to sense. Due to limited training, the shield he can conjure up from his healing is only available to himself or one other person and can only be held for a limited time til it disappears.

in short, try not to get hurt that badly to save him the trouble if you ever need healing!
about him

eon Jungkook is probably the most nicest person you can ever come across. the young man just exudes a presence that you can’t help but feel safe and comfortable in. he’s caring, patient, and trusting to the people close to him and strangers as well. a bit dangerous for him if fallen into the wrong hands as he’s also too naive. even if wronged, though, he still sees the good in people and believes he can make a difference.

though he has tons of acquaintances and “friends” he is not an outgoing person at all. would rather spend time nose deep into some books at a library or stuck at his job tending to the animals there. the amount of interaction he gets with people in shown with his timid voice and mannerisms. though if able to get through his bubble, he’s actually quite energetic and silly, technically like a little brother.

but not everything about him is all sunshine and rainbows. i mean, he isn’t one to get mad. not at all.. really. you wouldn’t be able to tell if he’s upset or mad with the way he hides it behind fake smiles and a chirpy tone. usually he tends to bottle up his problems until it becomes too much and he explodes. self destructive in a way towards himself as he’s not one to talk about his problems or feelings. with the explosion comes not eating, sleeping for days straight, and a jumbled up mind.

overall, lovely but messy.


healing and making others feel better. baking on his off days or taking several walks by himself animals (typically ones you can consider pets though) fruits! mostly red apples. rainy weather nature believe it or not ; the color pink.. napping.


horror movies (especially gore). all types of bugs (especially ants). spicy foods any type of pain. anger the sight of blood.


bike riding.  taking a walk. baking.  reading.  scrolling through youtube or twitter. — listening to music. — dancing. 


to have a world where people no longer has to feel afraid or get hurt.

— mysterious | all welcomed | open

jeon jungkook is extremely careful when it comes to keeping his powers a secret. something he had to do since he was young. sure he used it on the animals that came to his clinic but it was fine since no one was usually around to witness it. what wasn’t fine was the poor man, on his way home from a late night shift, stumbling upon an injured and bloodied you. what also wasn’t fine was him carrying said you, to the best of his ability, to his small apartment. a reckless decision but he couldn’t just leave someone out to die. now, he has a stranger under his roof with an interrogation in tow and he won’t stop til he gets the answers he wants.

— cat and mouse | villains only | open

at this point it’s a game of cat and mouse. jeon doesn’t remember how it even started but all he knows is that he’s sick of it. look, he likes to think he’s a nice person. never one to make an enemy out of someone. so why is he constantly getting chased by a villain he knows nothing about and what do they want from him?

— uh oh! | villains only | open

jeon jungkook might’ve ed up. might’ve royally ed up. face to face with a villain in front of jeon’s car that they used as a weapon. i mean, how is he supposed to get to work now? in the heat of the moment he ended up forgetting that in front of him was a villain. a criminal. a (maybe) murderer! it was only when he saw your cold expression to the slap he gave you was when reality set in for him. will you end up killing him to show that you’re not one to mess with. or will you end up taking a fancy to him for his (stupid) bravery?

— owe me one | hero pref; all welcomed | open

‘what an ugly sight’ you’re probably thinking as you see jungkook crying and trying his best to heal your wounds from your most recent fight. it’s kinda funny how far you guys came along. strangers when you first saved jungkook from an attack that could’ve possibly left him dead, yelling out a playful “you owe me one!” to friends hanging out whenever he spotted you. now here he is, your blood on his hands as he desperately tries. and he’ll make sure to see it through because, well, he owes you one.

— role model | hero or civilians | open

jungkook can’t help but follow you around like a puppy. you just looked way too cool when you were beating up those bad guys earlier and now he’s hooked. he isn’t as strong like you nor capable of handling himself despite going to the gym from time to time. he doesn’t even have cool powers like you. he looks up to you as inspiration. a role model.. his role model.

— connection | hero preference | 0/1

looking for a connection, hero preferably, that knows of jungkook’s abilities and keeps trying to convince him to come out as a hero to the world rather than be on the low. could be friends already or not & you perhaps just saw him use his powers by chance. it can be discussed further in pms!

— connection | no preference | 0/?

looking for a connection, no preference, who becomes a regular in jungkook’s clinic when bringing their (or a friend’s) pet in. it gets to a point where you both recognize each other and end up becoming somewhat friends.

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jeon jungkook!
full name
jeon jungKook
date of birth
love interest
zodiac sign
gmt -8
reply speed
out of character!
personal information
— mun

mun is 21 and goes by he/him. you can either refer to me by my muse's name or by vitale!

— writing style

third pov is my preferred writing style as it's more easy for me but i am very flexible and will usually just mirror my partner's writing style. the longer the post the longer my reply typically. i usually have days where i just need to gather myself so if i end up missing your reply for too long please do poke me! my memory is literally that of a goldfish. no joke.

— genres

i don't mind any type of content we write besides planned romance ones. mature content is fine as long as everyone's legal and comfortable with it.

love interest
full name
insert here
insert here

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