
Tsuki Fukutomi || September 21st, 2002 || Civilian
Drop Out Student now working a waitress job and cleaning job (and just about any job she can get her hands on) just to try and stay in the country while trying to get back into Uni

Tsuki was 16 when she moved away from her home country of Japan so she could finish her education in South Korea. She left behind her family and all of her friends, all of whom had been very supportive of her but somehow seemed to forget about her once she was no longer a ten minute bike ride away.
Once she get to Japan, she stayed with one of her mothers business friends, living in a small room and cooking a meal every other night to avoid having to pay rent. She excelled in high school, getting grades better than she thought possible, and so she decided she would try to go to university.
She managed to get onto an environmental sciences course and was excelling until an incident with some of the boys on her course just before her end of year examinations. She wasn't able to focus properly, and her high scores dropped drastically, leaving her unable to continue on with the course unless she took the year again. That was when her funding for university got difficult.
The loans she had taken out wouldn't cover her redo of the first year, so she pulled out of university with the intention of saving up the money to pay for it herself. Now she's working a waitressing job, a cleaning job, and whatever comes her way just so she can survive and stay in the country, all while trying to save up what she can to go back to university.

Personality Traits:
+ Energetic
+ Friendly
+ Honest
+ Creative
- Easily Distracted
- Clumsy, both physically and mentally
- Slow
- Escapist