
Mystiq Institute

ID #4829016

Name duan xiaowei
d.o.b 05.30.1664
faction esprit
Species fae
Powers healing, nature communication, charmspeak, envt manipulation, advanced agility 
Timezone GMT+8

ic application:
duan xiaowei
may 30, 1654, 368 yrs old
fae (nymph)
telekinesis, healing, communication with nature (trees, lakes, animals, etc.), enhanced agility, charmspeak, environment manipulation (decay, weather change, fertility of plants, etc.)
weaknesses: warding sigils, limited exposure to nature, heat, their hypnotic attraction to gold
student and kindergarten teacher
bio: not knowing how she got everything she wanted, duan xiaowei had a hard time understanding that she was a nymph. all her life, she imagined she was as ordinary as the next human being. but no! it certainly was a rude awakening to realize that her passion to care for nature and the way she effortlessly persuaded people to do whatever she pleased are only part of her nymph-ic nature. maybe, it's hard to come into terms with, but she's definitely enjoying learning more about her dead family history with the sudden unveiling of her lore origins.

faction: esprit
classes: herbology, potions, charms, divination
electives: ed, yoga