Personal Message
quick trivia
full namelee taemin
nickname(s)little prinvr
relationship status???
chapter one.
At the age of 14 taemin had been touched by the entity, known as the giant cat. not long after that his powe manifested when he made his entire family fall asleep as he sang along to 'happy birthday'. the goverment was quick to take taemin out of his once normal life and place him within their "care". after numerous tests taemin was able to survive and be placed in stealth. he is hypnos but some may never wake after hearing his sweet song. 
chapter two.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel massa euismod, tempus urna nec, sagittis eros. Integer a mattis nisl. Maecenas in nulla ut dolor condimentum interdum at ut ligula. Nam sed lacinia odio, at vulputate lectus. Ut pulvinar augue nunc, sed consectetur metus malesuada nec. Duis placerat elit.
data cannot be reached.
data na
blinking a lot, fidgeting, Overload of Expressions while talking, c pouting when i talk. humming as a warning to those who annoy him.
name here
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis aliquet orci. Nullam porta ultrices dignissim. Nunc ac dignissim tortor. Donec molestie dolor non odio.
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis aliquet orci. Nullam porta ultrices dignissim. Nunc ac dignissim tortor. Donec molestie dolor non odio.
my beloved
may we find each other among the stars
ooc info
writing style.
1st detailed/3rd pov anywhere from 5-10 lines on casual replies to novella on plotted threads.
pace & activity.
my activity varies. As i am working i'll be in chat alot to have fun. but plotted out threads i take time because i want to give my best work.
other disclaimers.
generally open to most things. happy to make friends with the people i rp with. i am an adult with a job so please know that i try my best to be active but real life comes first. Please pm to rp and if you have any questions or concerns.
general tracker.
person — place
person — place