Personal Message


Savior , 1/1

Jennie almost died at 14 due to a untreated heart condition. But you were the vampire that stepped up and provided all medical attention to keep her going. In a surrogate kind of way, you have become Jennie's family. You make her iced exterior melt away as she gives you her everything, knowing you already did the same for her. 

Companion 0/1

Jennie grew up primarily on the farm, but her biological family stayed on the outside. Once a month Jennie sneaks from the facility to meet with her folks with food and medical supplies. For a while she did it on her own despite the rules and consequences she has been caught with once or twice before. Maybe you can something in exchange for helping Jennie sneak (information on the vampires and the facility, out sourced blood rations thay can only be found away from the farm, illegal weaponry,) or you just car about another human's safety. Jennie may have treated you well and you seek to pay her back. Reguardless of the circumstances, you have now become partners in crime to leave the facility to support the humans in rebellion of the blood farm. Is it worth it?


IRL name: Jennie Kim
IRL D.O.B+Age: Jan 16th 1996 (26)
Character’s D.O.B +Age: Feb 22nd, 1999 (23)
Role: Donor (indirect)

Orientation: Biual 
Unique Characteristics: came to farm due to heart condition (almost died) and now has implanted defibrillator, she does not feel pain externally on her body.
Short Bio: Jennie would not be alive without treatment. Born with a heart defect no human doctor had resources to notice (especially since she hasn’t felt pain since birth) it was only when Jennie had a heart attack at 14 the only way to save her was to give her to the blood farm where the vampires had the medical resources to save her. She currently has a heart difibrillator and has been doing great, even though she hasn’t seen her family in years (she sometimes sneaks out with a vampire friend to visit them, but it’s very under the radar). She wouldn’t make it out in the polluted m, violence ridden world, and she’s accepted that…for the most part.


personality: quiet, protective, determined, independent, (secretly a goofy, gooey marshmallow but only to those she trusts most in this world).

fears: being bit by a vampire directly, family and friends dieing before her eyes, tight spaces, butterflies

likes: traditional music/dancing, making others smile, constantly being busy, soft pillows/blankets (and her bed), mangos