
Character’s birth name: Lee Gunmin.
Character’s alternative names: Seoho. Angel.
Age: 26
Birth date: June 7, 1996
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: East & West
Job title: (West) Stuntman & Cirque Performer. (East) Gang Leader.
Employing company: (West) Flying Dragons & Cirque Fantasia. (East) Valkyrie.
Income: To put it simply, he's paid well. 

Relationship status: Single.
Orientation: Demiromantic.
Languages: Try him.
Background: Lee Seoho was born Lee Gunmin, and in the East. He didn't find this out though until he was much older, into his latter teen years. Around the time he was born, before he could walk, his parents had made the decision to temporarily give up their son so they could follow through with their biggest job ever. Criminals of a high enough caliber, this last job would be their biggest score and they would officially move to the West and change their identities, forgetting the world they'd built and become a part of in the East. Seoho grew up on the other side of the tracks with no recollection of ever having lived in the East, let alone his actual birth parents being there. Although he was always a good kid, it was clear at a young age that something wasn't quite right. He had many times where he felt unexplicably lonely. He was one of many kids for a couple that constantly adopted and brought in children since they couldn't have their own. Although loving, there was no way they could ever really give proper attention to all of their children.

Initially, Seoho was one of seven children and by the time he was a teenager, his adoptive parents had added toddler twins and a 10-year-old daughter to their family. Being one of the quieter kids left him ignored and sometimes neglected. He found himself creating an imaginary friend, one he never gave a name to, but one who ended up becoming apart of him. He'd gone from talking to that friend to talking as him. It led to him being heard more often and given more attention. When he found out that his parents couldn't have kids, he began to question things, with the main one being where he came from. They were hesitant to tell him the truth but he soon found out on his own.

Walking to school one day, he was approached by some much older men that seemed to know who he was but not the other way around. They introduced themselves as guards and that was it. They wouldn't answer any other questions, such as why they were protecting him and just from what were they protecting him. His answers eventually came when some men came to kidnap him. These guards got him away from the offenders but not before Seoho saw them killed. Things like that didn't happen in the West, not that he ever heard of anyway. He couldn't help thinking that all of these men had to be from the East. He was right. The guards took him back with them to the East, where he met with his birth parents. In shock, his alter ego made his appearance. When asked what his name was, the alter didn't hesitate to answer "Angel." The more time he spent with his birth parents, the more comfortable Angel became in the East, even adapting to the life of organized crime with his parents.

Seoho sometimes still has talks with Angel but only in private. He doesn't always remember what happens when Angel is in control but sometimes Angel will tell him when they talk together. No one else aside from Geonhak is fully aware of his switch and both Seoho and Angel don't make it obvious either.

Angel is Seoho's alter and he's aware of it. Thanks to an incident with a bully in high school, Angel made his first big appearance, not that anyone else really knew it. The interaction with the bully, as in him hitting the bully over the head with a metal lunch tray, landed Seoho in regular meetings with the school guidance counselor for anger management. The guidance counselor could tell that there was more to Seoho the more she talked to him. She tried to get his parents to understand he should go to a proper therapist for showing signs of DiD, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Seoho's parents didn't want to believe it while Seoho began to question it. It made him much more aware of Angel's presence with Seoho's research beginning to make Angel question his own existence.

Taken into the East, Seoho hid almost immediately, forcing Angel to the wheel. Angel's more comfortable with their birth parents and so, to keep their relationship, Seoho almost never appears. Angel maintains their relationship and also has his own gang. The gang formed slowly over the years, Angel learning from their birth parents how to manage life in the East but also making connections through them. Their parents gradually gave them, well, Angel authority differents aspects of their ventures, from protection to handling loans and everything in between. Angel eventually began to contract out his services, able to connect and manage different people in the East thanks to his relations he'd earned them through his parents. His gang grew to be known as the Valkyrie because of rumors being spread of how they were comprised of individuals hurt or left for dead by their gangs. Those that swear their loyalty to Angel bear Valkryie wings somewhere on their being, whether they carry a charm, have a tattoo or something else of the like. Being that he himself isn't easy to find, and since most don't even know what he looks like, the symbol can either seem common or rare but, either way, it's not easy to connect it with him.

No one really knows who Angel is, especially since their parents only refer to them as Gunmin, Seoho's birthname. He tends to only introduce himself as Gunmin in the East as well when asked for his name, which thankfully most people don't. Angel's typically cutthroat and cold and takes more after their birth parents.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: About his actual age.
Weight: 63kg / 139 lbs.
Height: 176cm / 5'9"
Body build: Appears slim but is much more muscular than he looks.
Eye color: Brown.
Glasses or contacts: Glasses, but only in the West. Contacts when in the East or during practices and performances with Flying Dragons and Cirque Fantasia.
Skin tone: Light olive.
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Predominant features: Eyes. Smile.
Hair color: Black.
Type of hair: Semi-curly.
Hairstyle: (Seoho) Natural slight curls. (Angel) Straight.
Voice: Somewhat on the higher side of warm.
Overall attractiveness: Depends on who you ask.
Physical disabilities: N/A
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern
Usual fashion of dress: (Seoho) Usually anything comfortable. Tends to wear a lot of layers, unless it's too hot for it. Wears clothes that are more loose-fitting or baggy. (Angel) Prefers darker shades. Has no problem wearing baggier items but leans more toward wearing more fitting attire. Also more likely to dress in a suit, or just dress up.
Favorite outfit: [Seoho] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) [Angel] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Jewelry or accessories: Both wear simple jewelry and accessories, nothing chunky or that draws too much attention.
Piercings: Ears: Single Lobe Both (x)
Tattoos: Inner Left Forearm: (x) | Back: (x)

Good personality traits: Hardworking. Caring. Helpful. Determined. Sharp-witted. Strong-willed.
Bad personality traits: Incredibly timid. Too softspoken. A bit of a pushover. Overly assertive. Cold. Literally and figuratively cutthroat.
Mood character is most often in: Calm and playful. Serious and tense.
Sense of humor: Always on tap. Ready and available. Tends to only seem to joke around with Geonhak.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Working and practice with and for the Flying Dragons and for the cirque. Completing another job, silently and without a trace.
Character’s greatest fear: Losing Angel and Geonhak. Losing his ability to work. Causing something bad to happen to Seoho and Geonhak. Having a job traced back to him.
Why? They're the only two he genuinely cares for. He knows that Angel is a part of him but feels and treats him like a completely separate person which, technically, he is. He feels he's found his passion with acrobatics and would be terrified to lose being able to work in his field since he doesn't really have anything else. Plain and simple, they're the only two that matter to him. He feels as though having a job traced back to him would cause a ridiculous amount of trouble.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Something happening to Angel. Before Geonhak came along, Seoho relied heavily on Angel and, even though he once tried to do some research about DiD, he gave up in fear of losing Angel somehow. He doesn't feel he'd really know how to function without him, even with Geonhak around. Something happened to Geonhak. If something were to happen to himself, he'd be thankful and grateful that Geonhak would be around for Seoho. Angel's never met anyone else that cares for Seoho as much as he himself does aside from Geonhak.
Character is most at ease when: He's working. He's completed all his jobs and gets a bit of a break.
Most ill at ease when: 
Enraged when: 
Depressed or sad when: 
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be: 
Character’s soft spot: 
Is this soft spot obvious to others? 
Greatest strength: 
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: 
Biggest regret: 
Minor regret: 
Biggest accomplishment: 
Minor accomplishment: 
Intelligent or not? 
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional? 
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? 
Prefers working or relaxing? 
Confident or unsure of himself? 
Animal lover? 

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: 
One word to describe himself: 
What does the character consider his best personality trait?
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? 
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic?
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? 
How does the character think others perceive him: 
What would the character most like to change about himself: 
How does the character cope with fury and rage? 
… with unhappiness? 
… with rivalry? 
… with new situations? 
… with trouble?
What’s his meaning of life?
What would he like to change in his life?
What things motivate the character?
What situations scares the character? 
What makes this character happy? 
Is the character often biased?
Does the character prefer to give or to take? 
Is the character rather nice or rude? 

Drives and motivations: 
Immediate goals: 
Long term goals: 
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: 
How other characters will be affected: 

First memory: 
Most important childhood memory: 
Childhood hero: 
Dream job: 
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: 
Character’s darkest secret: 
Does anyone else know? 

Color: []
Least favorite color: []
Music: []
Food: []
Literature: []
Form of entertainment: []
Expressions: []
Mode of transportation: []
Most prized possession: []

Good Habits: []
Bad Habits: []
Hobbies: []
Plays a musical instrument? []
Plays a sport? []
How he would spend a rainy day: []
Spending habits: []
Smokes: []
Drinks: []
Other drugs: []
Addictions: []
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? []
What does he do too much of? []
What does he do too little of? []
Extremely skilled at: []
Extremely unskilled at: []
Nervous tics: []
Usual body posture: []
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: []
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? []
Person character most hates: []
Best friend(s): 
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Relationship with them:
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Sisters or brothers
Wife or husband:
Other relationships with other characters:
[Character 1]
[Character 2]
[Character 3]
[Character 4]
[Character 5]