Personal Message

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park eunkyung
august 20 1991 + 33 yrs old
chief operating officer (coo) / owner of music workshop
lotus entertainment
singing, can play piano, works non-stop, multilingual

eunkyung was born second of the park family and has been following her older sister's footsteps whenever she goes, but when she grew up, she took interest in music that she studied how to play piano by herself and songwriting. she has always been kind to her fellow siblings but very cunning towards other people. sera was once debuted in a duo group from a different entertainment but after 5 years she left the group to pursue her studies then she graduated overseas and went back to korea to help her older sister in her company, assigned as a 2nd head to the founder. she planned to expand the entertainment overseas and by doing so, she left for business partnership on other countries before heading back to korea with a successful partnership with other entertainments.

sera once engaged to a sole heir of a big company just as them, but only a year later, she found out his infidelity to her with another woman and took the upper hand to announce his dirty secrets in front of their first anniversary which angers both parties. she only made the right decision to humiliate the man she engaged to for his prideful and infidelity. messing with the park siblings is a death sentence.