
Character’s full name: Do Hanse
Character’s nickname: Dohannie, Hannie, Baby Dragon, Dragon
Actual age: 27

Age goes by: 24
Actual birth date: September 23, 1993
Birth date goes by: September 23, 1997
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: East
Job title: Makeup Artist & Stylist; Gang Leader
Employing company: Crown for the Preachers' MUA & Stylist; Hunters' Leader; (Previous) Kwon Family Elite
Income: Let's just say he wants for nothing.
Relationship status: Single.
Orientation: Unknown.
Languages: No one knows how many he can speak but he's fluent in many.
Background: Not many people born in the East have a simple story and Hanse isn't one of them. It's hard to clarify if he was given up for adoption or if he was orphaned when he was a child but he knows that, either way, he ended up in the hands of an orphanage run by a church. He was no older than 6 at the time, at least from what his first childhood memories tell him. In actuality, he was 4 when he was left at the orphanage. Growing up in the church, he was surrounded by religion and, although it wasn't all that easy to understand for a child who had nothing, he eventually came to find peace and serenity in it. He followed the faith with a pure heart and mind, only to have this faith twisted and corrupted by the time he'd become a teenager. He was 11 when everything he knew began to go up in flames, metaphorically and literally. The church and orphanage was set into flames and everyone was made to believe that it had just been some lucky petty thieves wanting to steal money that the church kept from offerings for renevations, events and the like. When the truth came out, the adults running everything had set up the scheme to make it seem like that's all it was. The leaders had gotten into bad dealings with numerous crime families and gangs within the East. It wasn't out of desperation either but out of greed. The time had come for them all needing to pay back what they owed and so the orphaned children were hung out to dry and left to their own devices.

Hanse spent a few years on the streets, fighting for basic needs and simply fending for his life. He was just past his 14th birthday when he came to hear about Jiyong, head of a powerful crime family, from some random people on the street. Jiyong's family was always looking for new additions, if they were willing to go through the training and tests to become a reliable member of the family. Still loosely hooked into his faith, he figured hearing about this information was a blessing. He now had an opportunity for food and shelter and didn't care what it took. All he knew for sure what that he just wasn't ready to die, even if he didn't have anything at the moment worth living for. He figured he'd gotten this far with the bare minimum that it wouldn't hurt to see where he could go with an open door in front of him. So, he took the chance. He started at the lowest rank in the family,  a rank one, or a c-class family member. He did a lot of errand work and assisting others here and there. Most of it was training work but that didn't matter. Hanse would get meals that he couldn't pay for himself and clothes that would actually keep him warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Sometimes, he'd even be able to have a safe and comfortable place to rest his head for the night. As he worked his way further up the ranks, he learned more skills, from self-defense and weapon handling to tech knowledge and book knowledge. He found himself at an elite rank and much closer to the head of the family, Jiyong. Hanse was young and headstrong but he listened well and carried himself even better. It wasn't exceptional skills or quickly climbing the ranks that caught Jiyong's attention; it was the fact that Hanse didn't have that that caught his eye. Hanse kept his head down and worked quietly to better himself without showing off and without trying to draw attention to himself.

 At 19, Jiyong added Hanse to a lineup of potential heirs, a very small group that were up for consideration to become the family's heir, making them the next head in line. By the time that he was 20, he was left with nothing again but things were different this time. He knew who to go for and to eliminate the threat. One of the other heir candidates had taken matters into their own hands, wanting to rip away everything from Jiyong all because of their greed for what the family head had. When blackmail and bribes didn't work, they opted for violence. Without a biological heir at the time, Jiyong was forced into hiding for the sake of being able to continue the family line. In the meantime, the family went in various directions, with Hanse's only main goal to find Jiyong as he felt he had no one without him. Those that were true to Jiyong and knew of Hanse's mission to find him began to work with the young male, following his lead and treating him as though he were Jiyong's chosen heir. Kwon family members refer to Hanse as the "baby dragon," in reference to how Jiyong used to be called "dragon," while new members that took to Hanse's lead simply refer to him as "dragon." Hanse's crew eventually earned themselves the name Hunters, a gang known for their ability to track and hunt targets, killing them when need be. They are known for being relentless predators that don't let a single prey go once they've sunken in their teeth.

The Kwon Family symbol was a crown, which Hanse and those that were members of the Kwon family bear. The Hunters' symbol is a crosshair, meaning some previous Kwon Family members, including Hanse, carry it along with their crown. 

Physical appearance
How old does he appear: Depends on the day.
Weight: 62kg/137lbs
Height: 176cm/5'9"
Body build: Slim, lean.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Glasses or contacts: Either or, depending on the day.
Skin tone: Cream. Do with that what you will.
Distinguishing marks: N/A 
Predominant features: Dimple. Eye shape. Smile.
Hair color: Changes often. Currently black. (x)
Type of hair: Mostly straight.
Hairstyle: Call it a mullet. (x)
Voice: We'll just say it's fun. Less intimidating than his appearance at least.
Overall attractiveness: He's deadly but still has people fawn over him, even if it is mostly in secret. That should say something.
Physical disabilities: None known.
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern.
Usual fashion of dress: Either punk or soft boy. 
Favorite outfit: (1) (2) (2.5) (3) (4) (5)
Jewelry or accessories: All day, every day. It doesn't help that Dongju gifts him a ridiculous amount of accessories and jewelry on any given day.
Piercings: Right ear: Three (3) lobe | Left ear: Two (2) lobe | Nose: Left nostril | Lip: (Right) Side labret
Tattoos: (x) (x) (x) (x) | Left Shoulder Blade: (x) | Right Inner Forearm: (x) | Back: (x)

Good personality traits: []
Bad personality traits: []
Mood character is most often in: []
Sense of humor: []
Character’s greatest joy in life: []
Character’s greatest fear: []
Why? []
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? []
Character is most at ease when: []
Most ill at ease when: []
Enraged when: []
Depressed or sad when: []
Priorities: []
Life philosophy: []
If granted one wish, it would be: []
Why? []
Character’s soft spot: []
Is this soft spot obvious to others? []
Greatest strength:[]
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: []
Biggest regret: []
Minor regret: []
Biggest accomplishment: []
Minor accomplishment: []
Education: []
Intelligent or not? []
Optimist or pessimist? []
Introvert or extrovert? []
Daredevil or cautious? []
Logical or emotional? []
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? []
Prefers working or relaxing? []
Confident or unsure of himself? []
Animal lover? []

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: []
One word to describe himself: []
What does the character consider his best personality trait? []
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? []
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? []
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? []
How does the character think others perceive him: []
What would the character most like to change about himself: []
Self-Confidence: []
How does the character cope with fury and rage? []
… with unhappiness? []
… with rivalry? []
… with new situations? []
… with trouble? []
What’s his meaning of life? []
What would he like to change in his life? []
What things motivate the character? []
What situations scares the character? []
What makes this character happy? []
Is the character often biased? []
Does the character prefer to give or to take? []
Is the character rather nice or rude? []

Drives and motivations: []
Immediate goals: []
Long term goals: []
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: []
How other characters will be affected: []

First memory: []
Most important childhood memory: []
Why: []
Childhood hero: []
Dream job: []
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: []
Why? []
Character’s darkest secret: []
Does anyone else know? []

Color: []
Least favorite color: []
Music: []
Food: []
Literature: []
Form of entertainment: []
Expressions: []
Mode of transportation: []
Most prized possession: []

Good Habits: []
Bad Habits: []
Hobbies: []
Plays a musical instrument? []
Plays a sport? []
How he would spend a rainy day: []
Spending habits: []
Smokes: []
Drinks: []
Other drugs: []
Addictions: []
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? []
What does he do too much of? []
What does he do too little of? []
Extremely skilled at: []
Extremely unskilled at: []
Nervous tics: []
Usual body posture: []
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: []
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? []
Person character most hates: []
Best friend(s): 
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Relationship with them:
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Sisters or brothers
Wife or husband:
Other relationships with other characters:
[Character 1]
[Character 2]
[Character 3]
[Character 4]
[Character 5]