Personal Message

Genin. 16. Polite, quiet and ordinary girl. Moderate skill.


------------------------the Makijiku Clan---------------------------------------------------------

The Makijiku (Scrollmaster) clan is large and respected, but not very powerful. Their symbol is a horizontal rectangle within a circle. Their secret jutsu involves animating scrolls to attack. The clan also has various non-combat secret jutsu, such as sealing objects/areas. The Makijiku clan was a part of Kumogakure at its foundation, it gained its respect by collecting and sharing knowledge with the village.

The Makijiku Temple serves as Kumogakure's library, containing shelves of scrolls on ninjutsu and anything else. Kumo-nin go there often for research. It's a beautiful shrine in the clan's colours - primary: green-grey, secondary: white, with touches of gold.

------------------------Amai Makijiku--------------------------------------------------------------

Rank: Genin, Age: 16, Height: 5'1 (155cm), Body Type: Slim, Hair Color: Honey-brown, Eye Color: Chocolate-brown, Skin Color: Biege, Clothes: Pale-green open top tied at her waist with a black sash. Pale-green skirt with fishnet stockings on legs. Left sleeve is long, right forearm is wrapped in bandages (her dominant arm). Regular sandals. Carries two bigger scrolls in her sash, one green and the other blue.

Ninjutsu: 1.5
Taijutsu: 2.0
Genjutsu: 1.5
Intelligence: 3.0
Strength: 2.0
Speed: 2.5
Stamina: 2.0
Hand Seals: 2.0

A-rank Missions: 0
B-rank Missions: 0
C-rank Missions: 8
D-rank Missions: 201

Amai is proficient in her clan's staple Snake Scroll Jutsu (green). She has recently learnt but not perfected the Sealing Scroll Jutsu (blue). She'll likely never attempt to learn the highest skill, Dragon Scroll Jutsu (red) as it's Jonin-level.