
species & powers

Species: Dragonier Beastman.

His Powers: (all capped and limited due to items he keeps on his person)
• Gravity Manipulation.
• Gravity Attacks.
• Gyro-telekinesis.
• Personal Gravity.

His Weaknesses: (all pending because my laptop needs to restart)
• Cannot create gravity and can only manipulate the existing gravity that surrounds everyone.
• This power is centered around him, meaning he can only attract/repel relative to/from his current location. As of now, he can only manipulate gravity 55 meters from his person.
• If he uses too much energy when he uses his power too much, it can cause bleeding.
• His gyro-telekinesis is mostly limited to pushing and pulling objects or people, but when focused enough he can manipulate the specific gravity of an object or person. It just takes a lot more energy usually.
• He is constantly aware of the gravitational pull an area has and experiences it more intensely that others, which can be a lot on his body.
• Because gravity is stronger in the ocean, it is a lot harder for him to control and manipulate.
• He is primarily used to affecting his own gravity and not the gravity of others. As such, his hold/grip on others depends on how strong he is and how much additional gravitational weight he can carry.
• If he's not careful about using his powers, he can break his bones or mess up his organs.

special trinkets & items

Special Items: (all appearance or physical form altering)
• One: something here.
• Two: something here.
• Three: something here.

Special Items: (all power altering)
• One: something here.
• Two: something here.
• Three: something here.
• Four: something here.