Personal Message
kim mingyu08:46:27Reply

I can't divorce you because 1
I can't live without you
2. I like using you
3. No



jeon jimin 7 seconds ago Reply

dedicating my 50th point to my prettiest jimintwin < 3


jeon jimin12:46:21Reply

cups rina's cheeks and smooches < 33


kim mingyu06:21:56Reply

You're both superior inas :tries to be nice:


christina kenyon 1 minute ago Reply

rina I always miss you <3____<3


lee dongmin19:28:48Reply

I always want you around wys


kim mingyu22:03:22Reply

I'm faithful to you spiritually ♡


yuto adachi22:12:45Reply

i accept and support kari’s hate for sweet potatoes and her spite against water wholeheartedly