Personal Message

Leisealia Liketi || Laylee || 20 || Princess of Liketi

A thin waif of a girl with scales spiralling up her arms and down the sides of her torso, and a forked tongue reminding her parents of The Tide Masters blessing.

The eldest daughter of the Kings brother, Laylee was one of few children that managed to live for more than a few choked breaths of air before their lungs failed them. Her parents were grateful every time a child survived, and so Laylee's birth was cause for celebration.
She was given everything she wanted, loose sleeves to conceal her scaled arms, jewels to distract from her forked tongue, and all the time in the sea that her parents could afford to give her. She loves nothing more than the ocean and swimming, and all of the bizarre creatures within the ocean. Many commented that it seemed she was more at home with the fish and sea serpents than her own family, but her parents paid no heed to what was said, as long as Laylee returned to the castle when requested.
As she grew, she spent less time in the sea, finding herself never quite able to hold her breath long enough to summon a sea serpent. It was when she was sixteen and she witnessed her youngest brother drowning in the sea and not managing to help him that she stopped visiting the sea altogether, instead going on to try to fulfill her duties as a princess, no matter how boring they might be.

  • Loves bright colours
  • Collects a wide variety of pets
  • Plays the ocarina
  • Self-proclaimed 'best tree climber in all of Liketi'
  • Very agile but also notably weaker than the rest of her siblings
  • Struggles with saying 's's without hissing
  • Hides around people who aren't family - her tongue has scared off almost all of her suitors
  • Obsessive when it comes to the Tide Master. Do not betray or disrespect the Tide Master if she might find out.