Personal Message

no wall posts ; 10.15.22 ; 10.23.22 ; 10.31.22

j. jaehyun 24 seconds ago Reply
mumus yeonjun's cheek
feel better danny

m. sakura [A] 1 minute ago Reply
affections yeonjun

j. jaehyun 1 minute ago Reply
yeonjun don't get fomo 
i'll call you ugly rn

k. christina11:31:00 PMReply
y. jimin 10 seconds ago Reply
c. yeonjun 3 seconds ago Reply
i’m a loser 

damn right you are

m. jia 3:20:29 PM Reply
yeonjun you are a sunshine in my eyes

y. jimin 13 seconds ago Reply
yeonjun you are like the stars in the sky you make my life brighter

k. hyunjung11:23:02 AMReply
u're my eonjuntonin

n. kazuha 11 minutes ago Reply
[BEEP]s naruto!yeonju’s head hehe

n. kazuha2:16:59 PMReply
my love language to u is [beep]ing, yeonju < 3

k. christina3:11:55 PMReply
Tc yoenk!

k. hyunjung8:29:37 PMReply
also eonjun: head of the leaf village

k. hyunjung 1 second ago Reply
............ arf

c. hyunseung10:24:48 PMReply
yeonj so pretty u.u

k. minjeong12:14:59 AMReply
Your existence is beautiful yeonjun 🥺🥺🥺

k. hyunjung 6 minutes ago Reply

eonjun always the best - u -

c. seungcheol 6 minutes ago Reply

I have never felt such wholesome brothership till I met you man